Chassis and Crossbows
Photo 1 of 60
1 5 August 2018, 23:00

Rusted wheels, dented panels, worn paint, makeshift armour, bullet holes, protruding crossbow bolts... the works.
23 August 2018, 22:12

think it is the first time I see aluminium rust... it can get a white sheen to it... that is possible, and maybe collect some rust-dust coming from the brakes
24 August 2018, 09:02

I'm using XF-16 aluminum paint but the intent is meant to create the look of chrome plating that has chipped and allowed the elements through to the metal beneath. The rust then stains the rest of the wheels. The wheels will be gummed up with enough additional weathering and dirt that it didn't feel worth the effort to try using bare metal foil. Sorry if I offended anybody's sense of chemistry.
24 August 2018, 10:44

Not offended,,,,,it is just that anyone that has ever owned Crager's wheels will spot that in a millisecond.
And I really "only asked", because I read sooo much that weathering and wear is put on models for Realism. In US salvage yards, the Aluminum wheels are the first thing removed for resale, because they don't (can't) rust.
24 August 2018, 16:43

All good and I get where you're coming from. I tend to go for a look I like over true realism. Hopefully the end piece captures the feel and tone I want. Cheers.
24 August 2018, 17:08

I'm sure it will work, too. The result should look cool, "Mad Max" type of dios are rare enough that you should get a lot of interest from your viewers.
24 August 2018, 18:00

Picked up a few more kits to add to this project over the weekend. Also got a couple boxes of spare parts that should serve well as scratch-build material for adapting these kits to fit the theme.
30 September 2018, 18:35

That's Looking Awesome ! I build nothing but Cars and Trucks and have TONS of left over parts and stuff, Let me know if there's anything you need, I might just have it !
7 October 2018, 21:31

Holy snap Brad-man! How much have you improved!!!!!!!! That's looking very nice mate. Woody looks very good. Are you going to put any Aussie cars in? Hard top Falcon and a couple of Monaros for realism??
4 January 2019, 23:09

Thanks Chris, Peter. If I can find a Falcon or Monaro locally I will for sure. Getting something shipped into Canada from outside usually costs a small fortune.
4 January 2019, 23:21

Finished off the Woody. For now. I'm still putting together the plans for turning this group into Mad Max worthy battlecraft. Time to start a new kit.
8 February 2019, 22:56

Time to start a new death machine. This next one will be based off the 1967 Pontiac GTO.
5 May 2019, 12:54

It's got a couple coats of clear on it, but she orange peeled a bit. I haven't gotten the hang of wet sanding yet. By the time I Mad Max this, it won't be so noticeable.
26 June 2019, 23:09

Finished off the GTO aside from the weathering and damage. Of course you know what this means... another NASCAR on the horizon!
28 June 2019, 16:24

With the latest NASCAR done it's time to start on the 53 Vette.
11 August 2019, 16:05

It's been too long since I've posted here. But the Vette is done, and now time to move on to another NASCAR build. Yep. Another one.
4 October 2019, 22:49

Vette looks freaking awesome! That's a very pretty car, you done good 😉
4 October 2019, 22:56

On my point of view, the Bel Air is the best outcome (this interior is delicious!), followed by the Woody (Fantastic interior as well), the GTO and the Corvette is my last place.
Why? Take a closer look to pic #58: there are a lot of seams / parting lines around the headlights and to the front grille. Further on the red paint between the front wind shield and body - to much red color in this area - it have to be body color (pic #60). That "ruins" the rest of the good looking C1.
The Bel Air is way better - you can do it. It's the little details, which cathces the eye and the macro doesn't forgive anything.
30 May 2022, 10:00
Album info
A collection of vehicles for a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It's also a throwback to my childhood. Growing up with Mad Max and The Road Warrior we used to add battle damage to the model kits we built. I will likely add a fair amount of scratch-built armaments out of the scraps left over from previous builds.