VAQ-209 Prowler
January 12, 20192
January 12, 2019As I was waiting for the base kit to arrive I went ahead and started experimenting with Tamiya Copper, Gold, clear yellow and orange for the gold coated canopies.3
January 12, 2019After a dip in Future.4
January 12, 2019The canopy has a gold sheen but is still transparent enough to look into the cockpit.5
January 12, 2019As I had my F-16 paint mule out I used it to test the mixing ratios for my intended Mr. Paint paints.6
January 12, 20197
January 12, 2019I also started working on the Tamiya F-16C AGM-88 HARM missiles.8
January 12, 2019The missiles and adapters are coming along.9
January 12, 2019Some decals on them already.10
January 12, 2019Darth Vader is keeping a close watch....11
January 12, 2019The kits decals and sadly pretinted canopies... I was able to swap those for some clear ones with a club member.12
January 12, 2019Marked with a blue dot are the parts to be used for this build.13
January 12, 2019Some initial test fitting and having a close look at Bernhard Schrock’s build revealed some fit issues.14
January 12, 2019Let’s get some stabilizers done!15
January 12, 2019Using the kit decals as a guide for the walkways...16
January 12, 2019... I taped the walkways and stippled on some Mr. Surfacers 500.17
January 12, 2019The roughness is convincing considering the scale.18
January 12, 2019Sadly enough I wasn’t able to get the colors right and even got some nasty drips while airbrushing...19
January 12, 2019... Nothing a little alcohol bath can’t fix. 😉20
January 12, 2019Off to the spray booth again!21
January 12, 2019Project overview...22
January 12, 2019The Pratt & Whitney calendar that prompted this build.23
January 12, 2019And a first comparison.24
January 12, 201925
January 12, 2019My idea of using the belly tank/pylon as a place to mount the plane on.26
January 12, 2019The idea is valid...27
January 12, 2019... but needs some more attention to get everything squared exactly.28
January 12, 2019The XMM intakes arrived, so some cutting will be done this weekend.
12 January 2019, 19:40