F-4EJ Digital Camouflage
2 27 January 2019, 04:17

Looking really good so far Patrick, but I wish you hadn't removed the arrow shape strengthening plates on the horizontal stabilizers. According to Jake Melampy's "The Modern Phantom Guide" most F4-EJ's had these strengthening plates.
27 January 2019, 04:43

According to a reference photo that I have those strengthening plates only appear on the underside of the horizontal stabilizers.
27 January 2019, 04:47

True! But if you look at the in flight picture Angie posted to this project, the strengthening plate isn't visible. This is a confusing tail number as this isn't a Kai and doesn't comply with general Japanese Phantom rules.
27 January 2019, 04:49

Nice, looking forward to see how it turns out. Love digi camo on jets. 🙂
29 January 2019, 20:35

Welcome aboard Ingo! Hoping to get some more work done this week...
29 January 2019, 21:16

interesting camo, i am in 🙂 i am really curious what you do with it Patrick 🙂
30 January 2019, 23:07

Welcome Spanjaard! I won't be doing extensive detailing on this one, I'll save that for an upcoming F-4F. In this build I want to let the decals speak as a means of getting attention to the plane.
31 January 2019, 02:55

Weird... The kit I'm using obviously came with decals and I thought I'd best use those as those are designed for that kit anyway. That sheet was lying on the bottom of the box and upon submerging them, they disintegrated... No worries, I still had an F-4F with sealed decals I wasn't going to use anyway. This time the decals only disintegrated while moving them to the IP... The Fujimi ones performed flawlessly and even have the panels 'raised'. Only drawback is that the Fujimi cockpit has a far narrower IP and their decals cater for that. Now I have to find some IP side panel ones to put next to this one. Well...Did I mention that I wasn't going to super detail this one?
4 February 2019, 14:47

And exactly THAT got me wondering! It looked weird to me but I just wanted to put some decals in. Now where did I put that FS 36231? 😄
4 February 2019, 23:39

Good to know for my (somewhere in the far future) RF-4E build. 🙂
4 February 2019, 23:40

OK then! I managed to win the bidding for a Bilek F-4E pre-colored PE cockpit set. As the cobbling together of those cockpit decals conflicted with my AMS, I decided to use that set instead and have some peace of mind. 🙂
12 February 2019, 00:43

Well, I was putting some left over resin seats in and now with this PE set I might as well open the canopies. 😉
12 February 2019, 13:58

F-4..check! JASDF..check! Digital camo..interested! I'm in. Watching this one.
21 February 2019, 12:37

Welcome aboard Jos and Bryn! This will be the (lower detailed) side project while working my WTD 61 F-4F. But hey, at least there are some Phantoms on my table. 🙂
21 February 2019, 15:36