Mirage IIIRS Black & WhiteПереглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список« Prev12Next » 1234567891011121314 Photo 1 of 14Коментарі 1 19 May 2019, 08:27Melgg LütschgFront seat for me please! 19 May 2019, 09:09Thomas T АвторJust wanted to say, there is only front seat, in this case two 😛 19 May 2019, 16:41Michael PhillipsCount me in! Those are some really cool schemes. 20 May 2019, 00:52Donald Dickson IIYeah, Im in on this one as well! 20 May 2019, 01:16Thomas Bischoffoooh, the good seats are already gone .... so I have to watch from the tarmac, just like then I was in the Swiss Army 😉 21 May 2019, 19:08Konrad -Watching with interest as well 😉! 21 May 2019, 20:01Patrick HagelsteinI'm in too! 👍 21 May 2019, 20:02Project infoMirage IIIRS Black & White14 зображення1:48В процесіDassault Mirage IIIRS Schweizer Luftwaffe (Swiss Air Force 1966-now)Fliegerstaffel 10 R-21102003 Mirage Swiss Farewell - BuochsAnthracite, pale grey Усі альбомиПереглянути всі альбоми »