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Tom (atomic77)

Death Star II (Bandai)

Photo 1 of 11


6 February 2020, 10:31
Bryn Crandell
Love the Bandai Star Wars Kits. Can't wait to see how you tackle the shadowing
 6 February 2020, 12:34
Tom Автор
Cheers Bryn, I am new builder, just turning some things over in my head. Will enjoy the model on my desk for a while before I try something and ruin it 🙂
 6 February 2020, 12:50
Tom Автор
Even though it is small, I have to say I really like this model. Thinking hard about what kind of finish to apply.
 7 February 2020, 09:45
That's😎, really like it 👍
 8 February 2020, 18:02
Tom Автор
Cheers Torsten!
 10 February 2020, 06:37
Tom Автор
It turns out there is a color guide on the inside of the box (image in the album). I will probably just rewatch the movies for reference 🙂
 12 February 2020, 03:59

Album info

Very small kit, but should be a nice desktop model. No decals, all one color.

11 зображення
1:2700k Death Star II (Bandai 0230357)

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