Hasegawa mig-17d/e fresco North Vietnam
Photo 1 of 11
8 March 2020, 20:47

Yes ????,i know,still strugeling a bit with the program.
8 March 2020, 21:22

Correct. Need to upload pictures. Details were very nice, just decals a bit disappointing - too thick.
8 March 2020, 21:53

That's to bad,concidering it as a brand new release from airfix.
I've an airfix mig 29A in my stash aswell but they use cartograph decals back in 2013,
9 March 2020, 12:24

Nice, wish they did the same here. One more thing about the Airfix Mig17 - it needs quite a bit nose weight. Was my mistake not paying enough attention. The weight I used was insufficient.
9 March 2020, 17:25

Yes i know, i use these lead seals they use in transportation,i squach them flat in a vice so they can be fomed at will and than i fix them with poster tac in place, once i still used to little and than i used tac to teporary fix the front weel to the shelve.not the most elegant solution but it workt for me
10 March 2020, 11:01
Album info
I've started this kit as a warm up rond for a mig 21 i have in my stash,
Esspecialy the liquid mask experiment workt out well i think.
The rough edges are perfect for the camo pattern i have in mind.