Where is Charlie?
9 1 April 2020, 12:49

Now we're Talking ! Woo Hoo ! I spent some time in the 18th Military Police ! Great Dio, Awesome Artwork as usual Neuling ! Two thumbs up as always !
2 April 2020, 18:13

Thank you mates! - Long time no see Daniel ... welcome back! - Steven, I´m looking forward to your dio. Your detail work is amazing. I built my models here oob trusting in AFVs authenticity concerning the gun truck. So your info on the Maxson M 20 base used for the quad cal. .50 was very interesting for me. As reference material I had used "Gun trucks" by Timothy Kutta (squadron/signal publications), which contains some photos of "Nancy" but no close up picture of the quad base.
4 April 2020, 06:46

I found out that apart from the Dragon M45 there is also a Hobbyfan set, so you can choose to scratch it or just buy a replacement, if you make another M35.
4 April 2020, 10:40

Great 2 sets of pictures & light conditions work! 👍 I think I like the "sharp & sunny" look even somewhat better - I already marveled at your photo-work in the Iraqi dios and this is at least as good - pics 11 & 13 IMHO have an extremely good "vintage magazine" look, feel & coloration - I sit at a 14" notebook now, so full-screen, a few things will always betray the model, but I checked on the phone in parallel and there, especially 13 is so good it really takes time to get behind it being a 35-scale dio...
Which is another way of saying you did a really great job on model and photos... again... 🙂
4 April 2020, 13:30

Neuling, I found out about the trailer in a review of Scott Van Aken, missing-lynx.com/reviews/modern/afv35034.htm. It seems that I even forgot some other extra parts, though these sound like easier to provide. From this review it seems that other configurations were possible.
4 April 2020, 17:22

Strange, when I copy that URL to my browser, the connection is made: missing-lynx.com/reviews/modern/afv35034.htm . I think at the end the punctuation should be dropped. I see it is written by John Prigent, not Van Aken.
4 April 2020, 23:39

Thanks Slavo for your careful study of my album. Ein unbestechlicher und gleichzeitig wohlwollender Betrachter! The choice of the most interesting resp. impressive pictures isn´t easy sometimes. What is most important to me is a realistic look of the model. - Also many thanks to Steven for the link! Unfortunately it shows error 404.
5 April 2020, 13:57

Try and copy the url directly, maybe that works? Or maybe if I repeat it correctly: missing-lynx.com/reviews/modern/afv35034.htm
5 April 2020, 16:24

Bingo! Link works. Very good text and pictures. Obviously they had even the trailer shaft mounted on the truck platform.
6 April 2020, 06:02

The other adfition mentioned, the armored box, can be found on Britmodeller apparently, I'll try to add it with Evergeen. Not going to copy all details...
On another picture I see a pintle mount for an extra .50, so without the ring mounting that's in the box.
6 April 2020, 08:40

Interesting: The reference photos ALTAYA show "Nancy" with the quad still lower mounted on the truck bed than in the AFV kit. - As I had the old kit there was no mount for an extra cal .5o.
6 April 2020, 16:52

The quad mounting in this kit has a fixed turret ring as high as the circular base of the quad, while the trailer adds only 8mm in height.
7 April 2020, 00:28

Another fabulous looking scene. Outstanding work and photography once again. 👍
28 May 2020, 22:19

Very nice done Neuling especially the cut off decal in the back.
30 May 2020, 13:37

Thank you Brian, Dominik, Guy and Andreas! I appreciate this feedback of experienced modellers.
31 May 2020, 17:19