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Grumbledier Guard (Grumbledier)

Warrior BAOR 1988

Photo 1 of 12


4 23 May 2020, 18:49
David Wallace
Cracking job
 17 December 2020, 10:05
David Taylor
More pics great.
 17 December 2020, 18:27
Grumbledier Guard Автор
Thanks chaps
 17 December 2020, 21:31

Album info

Warrior MCV 80 Academy model kit made to 1988 BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) Spec as used by the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, the first unit in the British Army to be issued Warrior straight from the GKN Sankey factory to them in Munster West Germany. Slave starting cable has been added to the front as was normally fitted between the front lifting lugs. 25 litre OMD40 oil can, cam net, spill salt granules bag and 20 litre water jerry can in the turret cage. Canvas cover fitted to rear hull cage. As per my Warrior in 1988. Personal photos (attached) were used to get spec accurate.

12 зображення
1:35 Warrior MCV (Academy 1365)
Warrior MCV
GB British Army (1660-now)

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