Beaufighter TFX 1/72 Airfix
10 28 May 2020, 14:20

Thanks Roland, it's tight fitting but so far it seems to be going together quite well. 🙂
7 June 2020, 19:14

Vallejo Model Air BS640 added to upper fuselage and Vallejo Model Air Sky to lower fuselage.
12 July 2020, 10:15

Thanks Chaz, most goes together well except for the engine covers which were a bit of a pain. 🙂
12 July 2020, 15:19

super Sky underside with shading....hope the rest of the kit goes well....
16 July 2020, 14:55

Many thanks Daniel & Andy, your encouragement is greatly appreciated 🙂
16 July 2020, 16:49

Complete with some light weathering.
This denotes a Beaufighter of 144 Sqn PL O that took part in the raid on Forde Fjord on 9 Feb 1945 known as Black Friday.
This raid was conducted with 31 Beaufighters from 404, 405, 489 & 144 Sqns, all from RAF Dalachy (Dalachy Wing). The 404 & 405 Sqn aircraft were equipped with rockets (for anti-shipping)whilst the other Beaufighters had their cannon and machine guns for their anti-flak role. 65 Sqn Mustangs provided fighter cover.
At Forde Fjord at around 1610 hours, as the Beaufighters attacked shipping and flak guns, 12 FW 190 s attacked. This engagement, with Beaufighters, Mustangs & FW 190s led to dog fights and aircraft attacking ships with around 50 aircraft taking part, the largest aerial battle over Norway during WW2.
The fighting lasted until 1625 hours. The German ships had shot down 7 Beaufighters and the FW 190s had shot down another 2 Beaufighters and a Mustang.
The Allies damaged several German ships and shot down either 4 or 5 FW 190s.
The losses suffered by the Dalachy Wing on 9 Feb were the highest of any of the Wings of Coastal Command sustained in a single operation during WW2.
21 August 2020, 14:58

Thanks Lukasz. 🙂 I'm still experimenting with weathering, perhaps the next project will be more "weathered" 🙂
21 August 2020, 21:20

Nice 'n' fresh!, and great backstory Guy!, glad you're happy with the finished result!
21 August 2020, 21:38