B-47E Stratojet
Photo 1 of 24
6 7 June 2020, 03:53

Just watched a documentary about the B-45 which was made redundant by this aircraft
7 June 2020, 07:28

Great to see all the interest guys. Like I said I won't be doing much extra on this one. The detail is very light, already the engine pods aren't the best fit. The decal sheet is the skimpiest I've ever seen!. It's just gonna be a plain silver paint, wheels up hang from the ceiling thing. Just a 'quickie". But it is a pretty historic plane.
Wilky, I also have the Valom B-45 in 72nd and it's pretty small compared to this beast. It was a long-range, six-engined, turbojet-powered strategic bomber designed to fly at high subsonic speed and at high altitude to avoid enemy interceptor aircraft. The primary mission of the B-47 was as a nuclear bomber capable of striking targets within the Soviet Union. [Wikipedia] Wingspan of 116 ft, 107 ft long compared to the b-45s 89 ft wing & 75 ft length.
It's a pretty large model, gonna be challenging to paint!!
7 June 2020, 16:58

Overall I was disappointed with the fits in this kit. I guess I had higher expectations, as I thought Hasegawa was touted to be "top of the line", up there w/Tamiya! I was sorely disappointed !!!!!!
It's an older raised panel line kit. I could tell right off that the fits would be an issue, so I decided not to put much extra time with extra detailing.
But, it looks pretty good hanging from my ceiling, I won't complain too much!
Next up is to get started on the stagecoach kit.
I've been putting together 2 RC kits so they'll be ready for Christmas for my grandson [and me!]. So as soon as I get that all finished up I'll get going on the stage. Can't Wait !!!!!!!!!!
6 October 2020, 01:30

You'll probably have your Coach finished before I have mine halfway through.
Most of my time is spent waiting for the wood glue to dry
6 October 2020, 04:41

We'll see wilky!! lol
Thanks guys. Somebody should make a new mold kit of this plane. Would be a great kit!
7 October 2020, 02:47

Looks like they'll just continue chucking it in a new box and catching out some more unsuspecting modellers
7 October 2020, 04:12

Yup, wilky. it's not a "great" kit !! But the only game in town. lol
7 October 2020, 23:44
Album info
Hasegawa 1/72 # K007:2200