Brookhaven Hospital nurse (from the Silent Hill)
Photo 1 of 15
1 15 June 2020, 12:27

Interesting. How, if necessary, did you deal with the surface quality? I would presume the 3D printed surface isn't entirely smooth. I guess the material choice might be an interesting variable. I only tried out 3d printing once myself so I don't have much experience with that.
15 June 2020, 13:01

Thank you, friends!
Treehugger, it's a photopolimeric resin print, made with the usage of SLA printer Anycubic Photon S - due to it's big screen resolution (1440p) and tiny layer thickness (in this case - 0,05mm, but it can be twice as thin in some cases) the surface of the print is nearly 100% smooth after printing, with only some imperfections, that are not easy to see.
Most likely, you've tried out the FDM printing, with plastic spool and moving, heated nozzle. These also can provide some good prints after some tweaks and with the usage of specific materials, but they can't beat the detail quality of SLA technology. Basicaly, these two types, being mostly affordable among others, are made for completely different purposes - FDM are for more practical things and technical stuff, though the SLA is for beautiful things, like miniatures, jewelry and dental prosthetics prototypes.
15 June 2020, 15:00
Album info
A 3D printed and airbrush-painted figurine of the horrific nurse enemy from the Silent Hill series