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Dmitriy Andreeshchev (RoggyCGD)

The Harpy Motodrone (original kit)

Photo 1 of 26


20 25 September 2020, 11:12
Nathan Dempsey
Nice design 🙂
 25 September 2020, 18:31
wow 🙂, top 👍
 25 September 2020, 18:40
Ingo F
Looks cool.
 25 September 2020, 19:45
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
Thank you, friends!
 26 September 2020, 08:16
 26 September 2020, 08:16
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
Uploaded photos of the pre-assembly!
 26 September 2020, 13:54
Nathan Dempsey
How long did it take to print out the parts?
 26 September 2020, 19:43
Very nice work!
 26 September 2020, 22:37
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
Thank you, friends! An update - parts were primered.
 2 October 2020, 16:02
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
Nathan, it took about 3 days or so, including the reprinting of the warped ones. The printer was working during day and night, so it was a relatively quick process.
 2 October 2020, 16:03
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
An update - uploaded photos of a nearly finished model.
 6 October 2020, 19:44
Nathan Dempsey
Looking great. I like the triangular shapes as you could create a multi color camo or do them in a bright gloss color and have an equally awesome result.
 6 October 2020, 23:14
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
Thank you, Nathan!
 7 October 2020, 21:43
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Автор
An update - uploaded photos of the finished model.
 7 October 2020, 21:43
Nathan Dempsey
That's an awesome finish Dmitriy!
 7 October 2020, 21:54
Dominik Weitzer
a w e s o m e !
 5 October 2021, 06:55
 5 October 2021, 08:58
Rui S
Beautiful 👍
 9 October 2021, 16:43
Robin (WhiteGlint)
What an amazing bike!
 16 March 2023, 10:19

Album info

This my latest big design project. The idea is 100% mine, as the production. Designed in 3DS Max, printed with Anycubic Photon S.

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