Super bug build log
January 17, 2021Masking off the gear bay.2
January 17, 2021Starboard tail section after putty and sanding3
January 17, 2021Under carriage ready for primer4
January 17, 2021Rudder mod. Turned out mostly well. Should have saw at an angle instead of straight on. Also forgot to trim the bottom. But still looks pretty good imo5
January 17, 2021Canopy all masked up6
January 17, 2021First cut for the tail rudder mod7
January 17, 2021Cockpit detail. Dash is mostly the decal which set on real nice. Rest is mostly dry brushing.8
January 17, 20219
January 17, 2021Start of painting the gear bay.10
January 18, 2021Putting magnets in all of the hard points so I can swap out load outs. Due to reasons I have 2 kits so I'll make this one go double ugly11
January 26, 2021Base color over the pre shading on the bottom. Used light ghost gray from vallejo.12
January 26, 2021First time pre shading. Bit shaky but it'll get better as I get it dialed in13
January 26, 202114
January 26, 202115
February 5, 2021Side profile before before adding weathering.16
February 7, 2021First round of oil weathering. First time using it on a whole model17
February 7, 2021Side profile post weathering. Still need to add stains this is just for shading.18
February 7, 2021Top shot of shading weathering. Has all the extra under bits as well19
February 7, 2021Half way through shading with oils. Right side done and left side in progress20
February 7, 2021Underside with shading.21
February 7, 2021
1 17 January 2021, 15:23
Project info
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