Scalemates Mig-21 Group Build 2021
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7 21 April 2021, 04:31

Welcome guys and thanks for joining in! I bought this kit on impulse and not knowing what to build it into, until I saw the Group Build pop up through Sebastian. I have a couple of other projects on my bench (and those are not getting the TLC they deserve right now either....), so this one will be a future project. Seeing that the Group Build lasts until 31 December, I still have some time, but I hope I can start this one rather soon: 1) The kit is amazing! 2) More importantly, I like co-building with my mates in a group build. More to follow! 😉
21 April 2021, 13:34

😄 No sense of pressure whatsoever..... 😉 I was at the local hobby store yesterday and they had the Profipack MF version just in. I was holding that box waaaay longer than needed before putting it back. 😉 Had something to do with building like a glacier on downers and offering some of my stash for the club auction. 🙁
17 May 2021, 00:45

that boxart is surely spiffy, can't blame you with the purchase honestly. 😄
17 May 2021, 00:53