BAF 31 Sqn Tigermeet 2018
April 23, 2021This was my inspiration to test the feasibility to combine the Revell and Tamiya kits to cobble together the panultimate early Viper.2
April 23, 2021I'll link the article in the project. Here the Revell spine is successfully inserted into the Tamiya rear fuselage and according to the author the panel lines match up perfectly.3
April 23, 2021I checked both the intake trunks and they seem to line up rather well. kudos to both Revell and Tamiya for doing their research!4
April 23, 2021The line is where I plan to make my cut as the contour for the NSI and MDCI inlets is the same from this point on.5
April 23, 2021Just preparing some random parts here...6
April 23, 2021This is the remaining Revell fuselage after I cut it: a splendid painting canvas! I want to try to paint the color fade. As crisp as the Revell decals are, the fade is pixilated due to printing limitations. I want to cut out the black stripes and any lettering and put these over the faded paint job.7
April 23, 20218
April 23, 2021While spot priming the filled in Block 50 panel lines, I shot some paint on the forward fuselage... and then some more... and then some more... to the point that I almost completed the paint job. Sad thing is that I need to strip it again, because I haven't added the MLU and Belgian specific details like a vent under the canopy rail and several scab plates.9
April 23, 2021The project till now...
2 23 April 2021, 15:41
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