Battle of Manila DioramaПереглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список« Prev123Next » 123456789101112131415161718192021 Photo 1 of 21Коментарі 3 17 November 2021, 00:00jhull123Looking forward to the dio! 18 November 2021, 02:04Carlos CisnerosGreat subject! I always loved that episode of Victory at Sea which showed the Battle of Manila 20 February 2022, 23:52Mathias DecommereFollowing 27 June 2022, 15:20Dave HillNice progress Steven, the figures are cool! 28 June 2022, 01:59Steven Dufresne АвторThanks Dave 28 June 2022, 02:33Project infoBattle of Manila21 зображення1:35В процесі2+Усі альбомиПереглянути всі альбоми »