Hansa-Brandenburg B.I (Fd) 76.70, WIP

Fantastic work so far. Watching! (Is it the one exhibited hanging in the Technical Museum in Prague?)

I wish Robert! I was there last 10 years ago, so can't say for sure. There was a Anatra Anasal and a Lloyd (I think) when I visited. Great place for sure 👍

Thanks for stopping by! This one is rolling along, so more progress pics soon 👍

Alec, nice work, as one can expect!
A comment for pic 13: Is this oil paint filled from tubes?
Make sure that as little oxygen as possible gets into it. That's why oil paint is in tubes, so that there is always no air in it. Oxygen oxidises the oil in the paint and hardens it.

I like very much how this develops. Following along. Looks great so far.

Thanks for visiting and positive comments.
Bughunter, I have learned the oil paint storage lesson when I opened those containers. There was a nice thick crust at the top! So into garbage they went, although I was able to salvage some first. I had those paints in small tubes for 20 years and the tops literally twisted off so I thought I could save them. I'll add a caption so no one gets any ideas 😉. Thanks for noticing 👍

Reminds me instantly of "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines" 😄

You have an amazing skill to reproduce wood appearance with paints.

Thank you guys. The wood cockpit wood turned out ok, but I think it is too dark for the exterior, where sun and elements would lighten it. Am doing some testing using bughunter's techniques at the moment.

Ah another project by one of the masters of PP surgery in this scale!! Count me in👍

Great progress!
Some comments on the shading:
- I do not use black anymore, now wood brown, gray or something like that to avoid to strong contrasts.
- upper ribs light - yes, I do this mostly to
- lower surface: here it depends.
* If the upper surface is linen (=light is going through) then dark ribs.
* If the upper surface is painted dark with e.g. PC10, then no light is going through = the ribs looking brighter, the space between darker, as on upper surface.

Impressive paint job so far!
How you do the pre-shading is very interesting.
Waiting to see the final results!

Guys, thanks for looking and welcome to the show 👍
Frank, thanks very much for the insights. I think you are right about the appearance of the ribs on the lower surfaces, considering there is a coat of paint on top. I sorta failed to make that observation while looking at all the clear-doped wings. Live and learn!
Regarding the use of the black: are you are talking about the black I used on the lower surfaces, under the linen color?

Very interesting build
Great whed all the build info
Thanks for sharing

Alec, yes I mean on the ribs below.
Now I patiently wait for the next batch of pictures!

Thanks Jv and Cuajete 👍
Regarding the black: as a shading aid, I think black and white works well, as it provides higher contrast under the subsequent top coats. But generally, I agree that pure black and white is too stark for final applications.

Alec the alchemist. You've turned plastic into wood! Wonderful work.
(I may need to have a quite word with you about transmuting a load of lead…. 😉 )

Thanks for looking gents. Gordy, anytime. Alas, the only transmutation skills I can firmly attest to is converting alcohol molecules to belly fat… 😉 😄

Oh man, that a true stringbag 😉 Huge respect, now I'm even more afraid of rigging the biplanes 👍

You said the kit is rather crude? Well, I do not see anything crude anymore. Very nice build and explainations.

Hello friends and thank you all for your kind comments. For anyone interested, completed model pics are here: Hansa-Brandenburg B.I (Fd) 76.70, Gallery | Album by Pardubak (1:72)
Album info
This was one of these projects that lurked on the "next project" short list for a long time, but not getting done mainly due to paltry references. To this date there is no dedicated publication on the type, despite nearly 500 being made when one includes the copies made in Czechoslovakia after the Great War. The Legato kit is the only game in town if one wants a plastic kit. I recall reading somewhere that it was "inspired" by the resin Ardpol kit which is apparently very good. There is also a resin version from RVHP, but having a few of their kits in my stash, would definitely not recommend those.
By today's standards, the Legato kit is a fairly crude short run, despite the inclusion of a resin engine and PE set. As is a general tradition with the AZ/KP/Admiral/Legato product families, the instructions are vague and riddled with errors. Small plastic parts are pretty much unusable, but the main parts (wings, fuselage etc.) are ok. I did what I think can be done with a kit like this, although my rigging approach was probably not the best, and I am really not too happy with my decal solution. In any case, I learned something and tried new things. Fun.
Completed model pics are here: Hansa-Brandenburg B.I (Fd) 76.70, Gallery | Album by Pardubak (1:72)