Junkers 87 D-5 Fujimi 1986 tool and box
46 31 May 2022, 12:42

Finally started working on the Ju 87 D-5. Cockpit internals painted mainly RLM66. Propellor blades and nose RLM70. 🙂
12 June 2022, 13:49

Fuselage internal painted RLM66. Cockpit inserted and fuselage put together. 🙂
19 June 2022, 14:12

Wings now attached to the fuselage. 🙂
Thanks to Villiers, Gary and Andrew B for the likes. 👍
21 June 2022, 15:30

I envy you. Making this model was a great pleasure. What kind of camouflage will it be? Mine has been Bulgarian since 1944.
21 June 2022, 16:40

Tailplane and nose added. 🙂
Many thanks for your kind comments Micky and Istvan. 👍
Zhivko, So far so good, I intend to do the winter white camouflage. Thanks for your comment. 🙂 👍
Thanks Daniel K, Zhivko D, Marc, Mirko, Micky and Lukasz for your likes. Greatly appreciated. 👍
22 June 2022, 13:29

Primer added and then black pre-shading. 🙂
Thanks Andrea for your like, much appreciated! 👍
3 July 2022, 10:40

Wing tips painted Vallejo RLM04 Yellow. 🙂 Masked off area on fuselage that will be painted RLM04 later on. 🙂
Roland, you're always very welcome. 👍
Many thanks for the likes Guillaume, Neil P and Franck D. 👍
5 July 2022, 15:14

As the winter paint was washable, I have decided to do a base coat of RLM71 Dark Green first before putting the winter camouflage colour on. 🙂
7 July 2022, 14:40

Looking good! Following 🙂
Do you use special paint for the white wash? Never done a whitewash myself but definitely on my bucketlist
7 July 2022, 15:18

Welcome Peter! I used Vallejo Model Air white gray RAL9002 for the white camouflage. 🙂
Thanks to James B, Alex R, Al Berto, and Sergej I for the likes. 👍
9 July 2022, 16:29

Nice work mate... Following 👍 nearing the finish of my Stuka also, love the paint job 👍
9 July 2022, 19:24

RLM04 (yellow) band added to rear of fuselage, now ready for gloss varnish and decals. 🙂
Many thanks Gordon, Neil and Jan for your very kind comments. 👍
Thanks Marius, Neil, Ahmet Erin I, Jeff F, Rui DS and Dave F for the likes, greatly appreciated. 👍
16 July 2022, 09:48

Guy, here is mine. I added some WWII pics of the original: Junkers Ju 87D-5 Stuka | Album by cupofwondering (1:72)
16 July 2022, 20:55

Very well done so far Guy.. Still a decent kit the good old Mokei 👍
I did mine some 25years ago without yellow band etc.. oh my god
But it was fun
16 July 2022, 21:09

Cracking start!, I've done Italeri's (see projects), the great thing with the white camo is you can ad lib depending on how many missions/weather/etc., trick is not to let the white wash take over the underneath completely! (IMHO)
20 July 2022, 17:00

Decals have now been applied over gloss varnish. 🙂
Thanks for showing me your Stukas gentlemen (Jan, Daniel & Andy). All of your aircraft are excellent and have given me food for thought in order to complete this one. 👍
Many thanks for your kind comment Fritz01 and welcome. 👍
Thanks for your kind likes Viking93 and WhiteGlint. 👍
21 July 2022, 14:14

After adding the bombs and canopy, I decided to do some light exhaust weathering and now declare this project complete.
Thanks for the kind comment Roland. 👍
Thanks Mark K, Djordje N and Roland for the likes. 👍
31 July 2022, 16:04

Many thanks Dean, Yves, Roland, Micky and Oliver for your kind comments. 👍
Thanks Dean H, Chris U & Subotai for the likes. 👍
29 September 2022, 15:36

Many thanks for the kind comment and your like. Appreciated greatly. 👍
5 October 2022, 21:02

Super Stuka build Guy. Love it. Looks very smart and I agree with Daniel, these Fujimi 87s are really nice despite their age. Looks like the tension on the aerial has pulled the mast a bit adrift?
3 December 2022, 19:25

Thanks for the kind comment Neil, you're right the tension did pull the antenna back a little. 😉 👍
Thanks Bernd G for the like and interest. 👍
7 December 2022, 19:55