1/72 Matchbox A-4M
10 24 June 2022, 17:19

Yummy. I have the same decals sheet I was thinking of using it on mine too...
22 July 2022, 16:12

Hi Roy, best regards from Italy at first.
There are a lot of 1/72nd A-4M kits better than obsolete Matchbox, but I'm a Matchbox kits lover ...🙂
Happy modelling, Felix!
28 July 2022, 17:44

Thank you so much, pal!
I'll finish this model very soon...I Hope.😋
21 January 2023, 12:48
Album info
A-4M s/n : 158148
NWEF Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility
Kirkland, AFB
1975, February
w/SuperScaleInt. sheet no. 72-227
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Matchbox 50th anniversary group build
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