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Guy Rump (grumpy4263)

Landing Craft Mechanised Mk III Airfix 1966 tool 2005 box 1/76 scale


26 19 August 2022, 17:15
Guy Rump Автор
Made a start on this project, the top has been glued on to the main part of the boat. 🙂

Many thanks Vels V, John H & Villiers for your likes and interest. 👍
 20 August 2022, 16:56
Guy Rump Автор
Added the sides and floor as well as the front ramp. 🙂

Thanks to Jay D and Karel D for your likes and interest. 👍
 21 August 2022, 18:43
Guy Rump Автор
Figures from the box painted but require varnish. The LCM had primer painted on and the bottom painted Vallejo Hull Red. 🙂

Thanks for the likes Daniel K and Rui DS, honoured to have such modelers taking an interest. 👍
 22 August 2022, 16:20
Guy Rump Автор
Underside completed with Hull Red and top painted with light grey. 🙂
 29 August 2022, 19:17
Guy Rump Автор
Pretty much completed, the only thing to do now is give it a coat of matt varnish. I tried out some rusting and staining for the first time on the LCM, I'm fairly happy with it. 🙂

Thanks Random Penguin for the like, I appreciate it greatly mate. 👍
 2 September 2022, 16:59
Guy Rump Автор
I now have completed the LCM and Sherman kits.

The date denoted is D-Day plus 6.

Thanks TC G for the like, greatly appreciated. 👍
 3 September 2022, 10:43
Guy Rump Автор
Many thanks for the like Neuling, greatly appreciated. 👍
 4 September 2022, 13:37
Robert Podkoński
Good work on this ancient kit, Guy!
 4 September 2022, 13:45
Simon Nagorsnik
Old tool but looks really fantastic!
The weathering on the M4 looks nice👍
 4 September 2022, 13:51
Guy Rump Автор
Many thanks Robert and Simon for your very kind comments. 👍

Thanks to Simon N, Robert P & Jan Z for the likes, much appreciated. 👍
 10 September 2022, 10:39
Guy Rump Автор
Many thanks Playtime 222 & Andrew E for your likes, I appreciate them. 👍
 17 September 2022, 21:39
Villiers de Vos
Very nice.
 18 September 2022, 04:01
Guy Rump Автор
Thanks Villiers for the kind comment and your continuing support! 👍

Thanks Jan P, Gustavo F, Frank D, Andrew B & Jay D for the likes. 👍
 21 September 2022, 16:40
Jan Peters
A nice bit of nostalgia Guy 🙂
 21 September 2022, 16:41
Guy Rump Автор
Many thanks for your kind comment Jan, it is quite an old tool but took me back to my much younger days! 👍

Thanks for the like and your interest David C. 👍
 29 September 2022, 22:04
Guy Rump Автор
Thanks Alex K for the like, greatly appreciated. 👍
 6 October 2022, 18:40
James C
Nicely done 👍
 6 October 2022, 19:22
David Taylor
Brings back memories.Built it way back when.LOL Nice job.
 6 October 2022, 19:28
Guy Rump Автор
Many thanks for your kind comments James and David. 👍

Thanks James C & John H for your likes, appreciated. 👍
 8 October 2022, 15:21
Guy Rump Автор
Thanks Raditz for your like and interest. 👍
 24 November 2022, 19:49
Guy Rump Автор
Thanks for your interest and likes Ian S, Marc LB & 1 other. 👍
 25 November 2022, 13:52

Project info

19 зображення
1:76 LCM & Sherman Tank (Airfix 03301)
LCM Type Mk.III-class
GB Royal Navy (1546-now)

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