Spanish Eurofighter Typhoon (Tiger Meet 2018)
86 13 November 2022, 16:13

Thanks guys for you likes and comments. What Gunze color should I use to paint a Spanish EFA ? FS36231 or FS36280 ? I think that the tone is blueish and H317 is not useful, I am thinking in H307 or H306.
21 January 2023, 19:10

Spanish Eurofighter are in FS36320. That should be H307 of Gunze.
5 February 2023, 07:27

@Thorsten Thanks for your comment. I painted it with H306, that is similar but more violet than H307.
5 February 2023, 14:49

Maybe that fit better. Colors look different in other scales. Often lighter or darker shades make more sense.
5 February 2023, 15:06

Coming along nicely. Here too: some words to the pics would be appreciated.
10 February 2023, 21:33

Hé, I'm building the same! But 1/48! Coincedence. 🙂
I will post some pictures this week from the finished built.
Yours looks great.
4 March 2023, 19:46

Very impressive mate, a trully beautiful model! Well done.
These grey aircraft really allow for a lot of color modulation and shading, which you did well.
6 March 2023, 20:42