Academy P-51A
32 4 February 2023, 17:22

Great! This will be my 3rd Mustang. I like to put them next to each other look at the design evolution.
10 April 2023, 13:34

Thanks Villiers! I't's been over a month since I have airbrushed. Feels good to be back at it!
15 April 2023, 02:16

Looks good. Are these decals or did you spray the markings and stripes?
I guess you will weather and blend everything, but I am somehow fascinated by the bright yellow on olive. Fits very well. 👍🏻
16 April 2023, 06:57

Thanks AndreasK.
I made the stripes with the airbrush and the rest are decals. I usually spray my yellow first and mask it while I apply the rest of the paintjob. If done the other way around, unless you mask the WHOLE plane, you end up with some yellow overspray on your camouflage. Yellow being a very "contrasty" color, it makes it's overspray quit visible.
The next step will be the weathering.
16 April 2023, 12:09

In that case, the colour fit of the stripes to the yellow decals is super. What colours exactly did you use für the yellow and the red nose?
16 April 2023, 17:54

I finished the build this weekend. A very nice kit to with like all other Accurate Miniatures I have done so far.
9 May 2023, 22:51

Manny thanks, this kind of complete my P51 line up although I would no like to build a C variant with the bubble canopy 😛
10 May 2023, 10:44