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28 13 March 2023, 18:28
Simon Nagorsnik
Well done job miloss!

The weathering works great on the green camo, creates a nice subtle contrast 👍
Also the base with the burnt area is a good idea and nicely implemented.

I have already thought about the same topic 😂

But I will use the S-Model kit and a conversion turret... If there is enough time... You probably know this problem...

However, good work!
 19 March 2023, 08:04
I agree with Simon´s words!
 19 March 2023, 10:54
miloss Автор
😄 Thank you very much, Guys. Oh yes, Time! Where to find enough of it for our hobby, or how to live so many years, which are necessary for realizing of all our ideas and for building of all our models? 😄😄😄
 19 March 2023, 19:45
Awesome, I really liked the burnt out trees - great effect
 22 January 2024, 19:34
miloss Автор
Thank you very much, I´m flattered. 😊😊😊
 23 January 2024, 07:46
Jennifer Franklin
I also like the burnt out trees, very nice.
 23 January 2024, 08:28
miloss Автор
Thank you, Jennifer. 😊
 23 January 2024, 14:01

Project info

9 зображення
1:72 BMP-1AM (MMK RZ72023)

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