Messerschmitt Me 410 A-1 Italeri 1999 tool
44 11 May 2023, 20:21

Cockpit put together and painted. Fuselage and engines internally painted with RLM02. 🙂
Thanks for your kind comments Bernd & Villiers. 👍
Thanks for your interest and likes Nikita N, Rui, Istvan S, Bernd G, Angelo, Mirko R, Villiers DV & Sukhoi242. 👍
20 May 2023, 17:13

Fuselage now together. Wings and engines ready to be added. 🙂
Thanks for your interest and likes Pietro DA & 2 other mates. 👍
26 May 2023, 15:29

Added the wings and nose today. A bit of filler here and there. 🙂
You're both very welcome Jan and Roland as always! 👍
Thanks for your interest and likes Jan P, Erik DS, Roland R, Andrew B & 1 other mate. 👍
28 May 2023, 15:11

Just a little progress, primer has been added and pres-shading. 🙂
Welcome Jennifer and Rando Dude. 🙂 👍
Thanks for the kind comments Villiers & Villiers. 👍
@ Jan, you are absolutely right about Italeri and filler! 🙂 👍
Thanks for your interest and likes Marco G, Marc LB, Sarunas D, Jennifer F, Rando D, Roberto R & Djordje N. 👍
6 June 2023, 18:17

Base coat of RLM70 added, Vallejo Model Air Black Green. The cockpit main comes in two parts which are NOT easy to put together! 🙂
16 July 2023, 15:54

Second colour of upper camouflage added, Vallejo Model Air Dark Green, RLM71. Ready now for gloss varnish and decals. 🙂
Thanks Jocaj for your interest and like. 👍
18 July 2023, 15:30

Decals now on and start of the undercarriage. 🙂
Thanks for your kind encouragement Jan! 👍
Many thanks Robert P for your interest and like. 👍
21 July 2023, 14:48

I now declare this one completed. I put the final touches on this morning (rigging). The aircraft denoted here was with 1/KG 51 at Memmingen. 🙂
The Messerschmitt Me 410 Hornisse (Hornet) was a German heavy fighter and Schnellbomber used by the Luftwaffe during WW2. Though an incremental improvement of the Me 210, it had a new wing plan, longer fuselage and engines of greater power. The changes were significant enough for the aircraft to be renamed the Me 410. The major change between the Me 210 and 410 was the introduction of the larger (at 44.5 litres, 2,720 cu in displacement) and more powerful Daimler Benz 603A engines. A-series aircraft were armed with two 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG17 machine guns and two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons in the nose and delivered as the Me 410 A-1 light bomber.
Thanks for your interest and likes mates Palo M, James C & Guillaume B 👍
23 July 2023, 11:35

Very nice result! 👍
I just noticed, the Hornisse's stubby nose and forward protruding engine nacelles always reminds me a bit of the d.H. Mosquito. Or maybe the other way around. Probably just a coincidence.
23 July 2023, 12:02

Many thanks for your kind comment Rando Dude. 👍 At first glance I'd agree it doe look a bit like a Mossie. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Henry Ch, Curatorm & Sebastien C. 👍
25 July 2023, 14:56

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Patryk S, Ian S, Cuajete, Paul G & 2 other mates. 👍
27 July 2023, 16:03

Das Modell sieht sehr schön aus. Aber leider hat Dir keiner rechtzeitig gesagt, das die Hauptfahrwerksbeine falsch herum ein gebaut sind. Die Räder müssen innen stehen. Das kann man bestimmt noch ändern.
6 August 2023, 13:00

Danke Bernhard für die Beobachtung. Du hast völlig Recht, mein Fehler. Ich werde die Räder neu machen! 👍
6 August 2023, 13:10

Very many thanks Jan. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest & likes Gustavo S, Gustavo F & Alec K. 👍
7 August 2023, 16:09

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Juskifo & 1 other mate. 👍
10 August 2023, 16:09

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes William J & 1 other mate. 👍
13 August 2023, 10:05