Old Warbird
May 21, 2023Started with the cockpit and the seat.2
May 21, 2023The walls of the cockpit had nice detail for what I am used to.3
May 21, 2023The floorboard of the cockpit.4
May 21, 2023Wonderful detail on this body. I love Accurate Miniatures molds.5
May 21, 2023This bird is going to be wheels up so I glued the wheel wells shut.6
May 21, 2023I've never had to glue fins to bombs before! Tweezers where a must.7
May 21, 2023Here's my paint brew for the interior colors.8
May 21, 2023Floor board painted.9
May 21, 2023Yoke painted10
May 21, 2023Interior shell painted.11
May 21, 2023The radio's batteries?12
May 21, 2023The radio and O2 cannister.13
May 21, 2023Floor board with details.14
May 21, 2023Detail painting on the wall controls.15
May 21, 2023The seat was blah and I wanted to try making my own belts. I planned on using this A-36 as a dry run for another model. This bird is in the air so it has a pilot. Most of the these details won't be seen.16
May 21, 2023I designed belts using Corel Draw and printed them on my printer. I made plenty of copies, it's only 1 sheet of paper!17
May 21, 2023Cut out the belts and begin assembly. I used CA Glue.18
May 21, 2023Belts on the seat.19
May 21, 2023Never had a gauge panel like this. I just followed the instructions...20
May 21, 2023Per the instructions I painted all the metal surfaces with black.21
May 21, 2023A decal placed on the back side of the gauge panel and lines up very well with the clear lenses.22
May 21, 2023Fuselage coming together.23
May 21, 2023Those details look nice!24
May 21, 2023One last glory shot of the interior details.25
May 21, 2023Tail wheel is up for flight but the kit's part is not meant to seal up this well. I cut styrene and scored it to fit the area.26
May 21, 2023I was surprised at how well the body came together. The wings are in two halves, the body is in two halves but it worked pretty well. I had some gaps to fill but nothing to cry about.27
May 21, 2023The body is together. A beautiful silhouette!28
May 21, 2023Panel lines... I hate panel lines. I need a tool for this I think!29
May 21, 2023The plane needs a pilot! None in the kit so I had to whip something up. Another pilot from a Revell kit, at the same scale, was to tall so I had to get creative. Forgive me little dude!30
May 21, 2023That's a good height now!31
May 21, 2023His hand wasn't on the yoke and this bird was going to flying real low so I felt like I had to make it real. This project needs another sacrifice!32
May 21, 2023The Frankenstein pilot!33
May 21, 2023That's good fit!34
May 21, 2023Time for paint, tried to do a glaze technique.35
May 21, 2023He looks serious!36
May 21, 2023Placed in the cockpit, Cpt. Frankenstein is ready for canopy37
May 21, 202338
May 21, 2023I39
May 21, 2023I used tacky to hold stuff while I apply the clear panels.40
May 21, 2023Once the canop41
May 21, 202342
May 21, 202343
May 21, 202344
May 21, 202345
May 21, 202346
May 21, 202347
May 21, 2023I'm diggin' how the wings came out.48
May 21, 2023I'm diggin' how the wings came out.49
May 21, 2023Time for sponge chipping. I need more practice with this. I used Tamiya Flat Aluminum.50
May 21, 2023Chipping51
May 21, 2023Chipping52
May 21, 2023The chink in this kit's armor are the decals. Almost un-usable, almost.53
May 21, 2023Every decal broke in the water while it was soaking. I tried warm water, I tried holding the decal to it's shape. They did not care, they just broke.54
May 21, 2023Perseverance!55
May 21, 2023I should have stopped here with the yellow stripes. No way they would sink into the vents on the wings but I tried, because I can be stubborn.56
May 21, 2023There it is. Doing what I thought it would do, covering those beautiful molded vents.57
May 21, 2023Pulled em' off! This began a comedy of errors...58
May 21, 2023The roundles and bombs on the fuselage. Quick note, every single bomb represents a sortie the real plane flew. Quite the mission list it must have...59
May 21, 2023Decals are all on! now on to the stripes. What a mission, I should get my own bomb decal for this sortie!60
May 21, 2023I thought: "I'll just mask off the plane, prime the area and then follow with yellow.61
May 21, 2023The model gods got angry, my primer reacted with the gloss clear I used.62
May 21, 2023I was under a time crunch and I didn't want to strip the whole wing. Sooo, I striped the area with rubbing alcohol. It cuts right through the gloss clear I used.63
May 21, 2023I then waited a day, because I was spooked about how it would look. I then stripped the mask off, re-masked it slightly bigger so the yellow would cover the messy line left from the stripping. I primed with Tamiya white, then shot Tamiya yellow. The model gods were appeased.64
May 21, 2023I had the same issue on the tail, took the same process as the wings.65
May 21, 2023Some bleed through on this side. That's ok I can work with it.66
May 21, 2023Oil wash for the panel lines and rivets and stuff.67
May 21, 2023The plane was re-glossed and the oil wash was applied.68
May 21, 2023oil wash on the wings. I let it dry for a couple of days. Oil's take forever to dry.69
May 21, 2023Then the plane was shot with matte clear, to dull everything down and seal the details in.70
May 21, 202371
May 21, 202372
May 21, 202373
May 21, 202374
May 21, 202375
May 21, 202376
May 21, 202377
May 21, 2023Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this album!
13 21 May 2023, 02:28

Very nice work, I love the pilot, did he come with the model or did you add him yourself?
21 May 2023, 03:40
Album info
This is a model that was donated to my club by a modeler's family who passed away. The goal was to finish it for the local Flight 19 Model Show as part of a group build to honor the deceased modeler. I took the project seriously and finished 3 subjects from the same time period on time. This is the A-36's journey on my bench.