Apollo 11. AssemblyПереглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список 1June 12, 2023Interesting experience 2June 12, 2023 3June 12, 2023 4June 12, 2023 5June 12, 2023 6June 12, 2023 7June 12, 2023 8June 12, 2023 9June 12, 2023 10June 12, 2023I covered the parts with a primer. 11June 12, 2023For the first time I used gold paint. By the way, I like Revell paints because they dry quickly. 12June 12, 2023 13June 12, 2023Three astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil A. Armstrong. 14June 12, 2023Michael Collins in "Columbia" 15June 12, 2023 16June 12, 2023The "Columbia" is ready for assembly. 17June 12, 2023Buzz Aldrin in the "Eagle". 18June 12, 2023Gold foil is something new. 19June 12, 2023Gold foil is something new. 20June 12, 2023 21June 12, 2023 22June 12, 2023 23June 12, 2023 24June 12, 2023 25June 21, 2023This is what astronauts looked like initially... 26June 21, 2023This is what astronauts looked like initially... Коментарі 16 12 June 2023, 16:26SpanjaardBeautiful Apollo dio 12 June 2023, 20:58Bavel Cat АвторThank you 🙏 13 June 2023, 15:17Project infoApollo 11 "Columbia" & "Eagle" (Revell)26 зображення1:96ЗавершеніApollo 11 - Columbia and Eagle NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1958-now)Eagle, Apollo 11 (Neil Armstrong/Michael Collins/Buzz Aldrin)Липень 1969 Moon Landing (1st) - MoonRAL9006 RAL1004 Усі альбомиПереглянути всі альбоми »