Про мене
- Ім'я:
- Jocke Persson
- Прізвисько:
- Країна:
- Місто:
- Höganäs
- Учасник з:
- January 9, 2022
- Спільноти:
- papermates.net (Paper modeling)gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)rcmates.net (RC modeling)
made some models when i was a kid in the 80th, still have a Bf109e from Airfix that i build, but my father. that no have passed away 2017, paint it cos i was not aloud to use colors at that time, cos thy was more dangerous, than to days acrylic colors, also have bf 110, and a tempest, now i have Bought so meany models that i lost the count, plan to do scenarios,,, then i have build some couple of ships to, there where it started this time, Black pearl, and a viking ship in tree, model building is good hobby, if u had alcohol problem, have been sober for over a half year, and feeling me great, and my Woman do models also, she more in for 1600- 1700 th ship, world war two airplanes, and and ships from the privateers and pirate era.
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Улюблені масштаби
Flying Model Airplane Літаки » Пропелер | Немає діапазону
Sailing ships Кораблі » Вітрильні кораблі | Немає діапазону
- Домашня сторінка
- Moment24
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