The Wife Chose it, She likes the colour scheme.
OOB, again and in flight too.
- Масштаб:
- 1:48
- Статус:
- Завершені
- Початі:
- March 26, 2023
- Завершені:
- May 20, 2023
- Витрачений час:
- ??
Vought (Birdcage) Corsair in the US Navy Pacific tri-colour scheme
Інвентар проекту
38 зображення
Chance Vought F4U-1/2 Corsair 'Birdcage'
I decided in the end to finish and post. But I have not done this kit justice due to school boy errors. As my end of ter...
1 26 March 2023, 14:34