Альбоми (15)
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29 зображення
02 Painting & Weathering
First stage of Weathering includes a basic dust layer and some dryed mud. This was done using gouache paint, which becam...
Проект: M4A3 (105) Sherman
6 зображення
01 Build Done
The kit is missing the skirt brackets, so these were added from 0,25mm styrene. I also closed the gap between lower and ...
Проект: M4A3 (105) Sherman
13 зображення
02 Finished
Front view. Note rust streaks on the lower hull.
Проект: Panzer 38(t) Barbarossa
19 зображення
01 Shading
More progress today. After a matte coat (The Army Painter), chipping started with a light grey followed by dark brown.
Проект: Panzer 38(t) Barbarossa