база даних масштабного моделювання | менеджер запасів

Про мене

GB Велика Британія
Учасник з:
September 21, 2023
scalemates.com (Scale modeling)
papermates.net (Paper modeling)
gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)
railwaymates.com (Train modeling)
diecastmates.com (Diecast models)
rcmates.net (RC modeling)
I'm new to the hobby. I made a few (very badly) when I was a teenager. That was many years ago. At the moment I've just about got all the kit I need (which was far more than I ever knew was possible) and a few planes to make, some paints. I'll get more paints and maybe advanced things as I go. My first priority is to build RAF World War Two planes, all my favourites. I particularly like torpedo bombers and anything with rockets and bombs, the three heavy bombers too, but I'm working up my skill level before I tackle those. My Grandad's best man flew Mosquitoes and my Grandad flew a Horsa in Operation Varsity (my profile picture is him in his RAF uniform sometime in the War), so those will be a must at some point. Then I will spread my wings further afield, Luftwaffe and a few USAAF maybe. Good to be on here, all the best R


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Curtiss SB2C Helldiver Літаки » Пропелер | US 1942–1959

Fairey Barracuda Літаки » Пропелер | GB 1943–1953

Fieseler Fi 167 Літаки » Пропелер | 3R 1937–1945

Handley Page Halifax Літаки » Пропелер | GB 1940–1960

Heinkel He 177 Літаки » Пропелер | 3R 1942–1945

Short Stirling Літаки » Пропелер | GB 1939–1946

Vickers Vildebeest Vickers Vincent Літаки » Пропелер | GB 1928–1942


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Chris Skorzak