Про мене
- Ім'я:
- Andy Davies
- Прізвисько:
- Melchie
- Країна:
Велика Британія
- Місто:
- Lincoln
- Учасник з:
- December 7, 2014
- Спільноти:
- papermates.net (Paper modeling)gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)rcmates.net (RC modeling)
I've been modelling since I was knee high to a microbe, stopped when it really wasn't cool to let your mates what you were up to and I discovered things like girls, alcohol, heavy rock music and chemically enhanced leisure activities... then got married and started it up again and have been dabbling ever since, (this is no reflection on my dear wife who keeps me on my toes I can assure you !)...
I'm a member of several online forum sites, contributor to a variety of modelling magazines, (fully clothed of course) and member of several special interest groups. I've written a few book articles on modelling techniques and specialist articles for a few established aviation authors. I don't have a favourite niche, I model anything that takes my fancy though predominantly aircraft. I enjoy scratchbuilding and resin modelling more than any other form as I like to create things that are original rather than straight out of the box. I'm teetotal following many, many years of galaxy class binge drinking and debauchery and live in a small sleepy village in Lincolnshire directly under the approach to RAF Waddington and on the pattern to RAF Scampton, among many abandoned wartime airfields so aviation is all about me on a daily basis.....which is fine by me...
Клуби моделювання
Я є членом такого клубу(ів) моделювання:
Улюблені веб-журнали
Форуми про масштабне моделювання
Журнали про масштабне моделювання
Магазини моделей
У моєму списку улюблених немає жодних магазинів
Діапазони фарб
Я регулярно використовую такі фарби:
Улюблені масштаби
English Electric Lightning Літаки » Реактивні |
Protected cruiser Varyag Кораблі » Крейсери |
Мої наступні події
На даний момент у мене немає нічого в порядку денному.
Стежу за
На даний момент я не стежу за іншими моделями, журналами чи веб-сайтами на цьому веб-сайті