Альбоми (22)
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11 зображення
1:87 British Columbia Double door Boxcar
Startpoint is a Kadee 1:87 scale 50' Boxcar.
6 зображення
First layer (20 spokes + 20 nipples) ready. Two more layers to go with. Total will consist of 60 spokes and 60 nipples a...
Проект: Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza
6 зображення
A small part of a bigger idea
The end result. Photo is taken on the groundwork for the Street car with behind the motorcycle the Tram rails.
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Інші альбоми
14 зображення
Eduard Mig-21PFM Viêtnamese Service
I really like this camouflage scheme. Not the easiest but on the other hand no stencils to apply will save me time ;)
2 зображення
Old and new
The new and fresh Moto Guzzi V85 TT with 45 kilo's less but also 30 HP. Still got to get used to the easy steering.
6 зображення
Finally a dedicated hobby room
The workbench with LED panels for Illumination. These are in 5000 kelvin. everything is nice and evenly lit by these lamps.