S.M.81 Pipistrello 1941
- Subject:
- Масштаб:
- 1:72
- Статус:
- Завершені
- Початі:
- November 25, 2018
- Завершені:
- April 15, 2019
Інвентар проекту
Повні набори

Savoia Marchetti S.M.81 "Pipistrello" canopy and wheel masks for Italeri & Super Model kits
Pmask 1:72
PK72033 /uk/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=38460&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB38460&page=projects&project=51295
1 articles of the finished project are published on the web.
Частина моєї Колекція
25 November 2018, 13:32

Hi guys welcome and here is the album S.M. 81 Pipistrello | Album by Springbank (1:72)
20 February 2019, 17:20

Hello Daniel, another master piece. How did you made the interior? It is a part of the kit or these boxes are some kind of PE?
12 March 2019, 07:48

Thank you DAvid and Richmond.. It is part o the kit and some sctratchwork.
But a really nice refurbishment of the old Supermodel kit by Italeri 👍
12 March 2019, 16:58