база даних масштабного моделювання | менеджер запасів
Marc Racine (Machine)

Про мене

Marc Racine
CA Канада
Учасник з:
August 22, 2018
scalemates.com (Scale modeling)
papermates.net (Paper modeling)
gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)
railwaymates.com (Train modeling)
diecastmates.com (Diecast models)
rcmates.net (RC modeling)
6 years on now, I have been building a collection of (built) WW1 aircraft in various scales. I have built over 350 1/72, 65 1/48 and 40 1/32-1/28's. I also build models on commission to museums and private individuals on demand.
I started my WW1 model project a few years ago after reading Manfred von Richthofen’s autobiography. I became entranced into this incredibly interesting period of 1914-1918 fighter pilot life.
Another compelling reason for me to produce this collection was the sad fact that our youth (and adults also) know virtually nothing of the First World War and Canada’s role in it.

I want everyone to know and never forget these brave selfless kids, I want everyone to at least know who gave us this serenity and beautiful life we enjoy in Canada. That’s why I have put together such a collection.

Imagine that, considering Canada's tiny population in 1914 of less than 8 million, we produced the highest number of aces (5 or more victories) than any other country. And all of our elite aces with a minimum of over 30 victories, survived the war, which no other countries could claim.

Lest We Forget


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Bruno Stachel WW1in72nd

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Bruno Stachel WW1in72nd