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Mike H.
Mike van der Haar (Mike H.)

Renault Char B1 bis
Nivernais II

April 11, 2020

Al.by kit of the Renault B1 bis, all resin kit.
I choose the "Nivernais II" as subject.
Some B1's had a light attached right next to the 75mm gun.
Somehow I never see that light on scalemodels while there is prove that the Nivernais II had such a light.
Reason for some scratchbuilding.

Інвентар проекту

Повні набори
Renault B1 bis
ALBY 1:35
314 199* Нова прес-форма


45 зображення
Renault B1 bisView album, image #40
Проект: Renault Char B1 bis
1:35 Renault B1 bis (ALBY 314)


25 July 2019, 01:53
Mike van der Haar Автор
This Al.by kit lacked some more details.
Besides the extra light at front, the handle and cover above the side hatch and the 4 hooks at the back are also missing in this kit. They're not even mentioned in the instructions.
So I had a little more scratchbuilding to do.
The decals were too old I guess, they fell apart when I tried to apply them. The names of the tank broke, but I managed to get them on reasonably well. The rest of the decals must now be painted on.
 9 December 2019, 17:00