база даних масштабного моделювання | менеджер запасів
Dan Harris (Oldmodelguy)

Про мене

Dan Harris
US Сполучені Штати Америки
Учасник з:
February 18, 2020
scalemates.com (Scale modeling)
papermates.net (Paper modeling)
gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)
railwaymates.com (Train modeling)
diecastmates.com (Diecast models)
rcmates.net (RC modeling)
Middle aged guy returning to a childhood hobby.
I built models growing up in the early seventies. Still remember riding my bike to the hobby shop to pick up a new kit. Never took long to put them together, and they certainly weren't accurized or upgraded with aftermarket parts. Don't think they even had stuff like that then. Got away from it in my early twenties as home ownership and other stuff took my attention and discretionary income. Got the itch again in 2014 when I spotted a Moebius model of the Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea submarine Seaview on Amazon. Always wanted a larger scale of that ship than the old Aurora kit. This thing was huge, with an interior and just begged to be lit. I was hooked again, and have been building on and off again for the last 6 years. Ironically, that Seaview model still sits in my stash, unbuilt. Too scared to try it when I first got it, and now I don't know where I would display it. besides, I've got a Star Trek TOS Enterprise 1/350 scale in progress, so i won't start another large scale kit until I finish that one.


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FineScale Modeler
FineScale Modeler

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