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Ki-100View album, image #7
项目: Ki-100 Otsu
1:48 Kawasaki Ki-100-I Otsu (Tony) (Hasegawa 09138)
57 27 September 2024, 14:30
Marcin Terlikowski
very nice painting/shadows on panels.
 27 September 2024, 19:04
Bernhard Schrock
Great Job! Looks for me like DIY dressed skin?
 27 September 2024, 19:07
Mr D
Very 👍👍 nice.
The Rising sun decals look painted on and looks good. Nice job, lm yet to build a WW2 Japanese fighter.
Antenna is good too.....is it thread or stretch spru ??
 27 September 2024, 21:20
Guy Rump
Lovely job! 👍
 27 September 2024, 21:24
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Marcin!
 28 September 2024, 02:46
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Bernhard. Yes it is, I will upload some more pictures for the process.
 28 September 2024, 02:47
Tianyi 作者
Hi Mr D. Haha they are painted on. I tried to use as less decals as possible except somethings like the Japanese "No Step" which is too complicated for me XD. The Antenna is 0.05 mm copper wire.
 28 September 2024, 02:51
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Guy!
 28 September 2024, 02:51
Marcin Terlikowski
I finished exactly the same one few weeks ago. What color is on fuselage?
 28 September 2024, 06:57
Tianyi 作者
Hi Marcin. It was Mr. Hobby's Kawasaki Green for base. For highlight I added some yellow and white. For shadow I added Japanese propeller or any brown in red tone will work.
 28 September 2024, 08:05
Agree with Marvin - beautiful work!
 1 October 2024, 21:00
Mr D
Really nice detailed finish, Nice Japanese green 👌
Can l ask what you used the Dremel for..??
Like it 👍👍👍
 1 October 2024, 21:53
Great result and attention to detail. Riveting job, chipping and paintjob, all top-notch 👍
 1 October 2024, 21:54
Tianyi 作者
Thank you, CaptGPF!
 2 October 2024, 15:30
Tianyi 作者
Hi Mr D, did you mean the power tool? I used it to sand along rivet lines to create a stressed skin effect.
 2 October 2024, 15:32
Tianyi 作者
Thank you John for your like!
 2 October 2024, 15:32
Kate Ward
It looks great!
 2 October 2024, 15:58
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Kate!
 2 October 2024, 15:59
Steve Hancock
Beautiful work
 2 October 2024, 16:17
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Steve!
 2 October 2024, 17:01
Mr D
Hi Weizenbrot.
Yes, l thought that was what was happening? But wanted to confirm..... good idea...more realistic as aluminium wraps to the structure.... especially on the Japanese craft.
Thanks......" Always good to learn"😃👍👍
 2 October 2024, 17:36
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Mr D! I truly agree with you that the the effect is suitable for Japanese aircrafts. I was thinking of giving the observers a feeling of the thin skin is really attached on spars and ribs.
 3 October 2024, 09:07
Thomas Wirsching
Great Ki-100! Mine is on hold because I was never able to find a plan where the rivetting is visible for this specific aircraft. Looks like you found one. Can you give me a hint?
 3 October 2024, 09:23
A masterpiece.
 3 October 2024, 09:28
Tianyi 作者
Hey Thomas, sure! I got the rivet map scanned. It was in 48 scale so is perfect for this kit. I can send it to you if you can leave me your email.
 3 October 2024, 11:38
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Nueling! I'm a big fan of your Vietnam dioramas!
 3 October 2024, 11:39
 3 October 2024, 11:58
Pietro De Angelis
Really beautiful, congrats!
 3 October 2024, 12:22
Beautiful work! Love the weathering
 3 October 2024, 12:29
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Pietro and Doubtingmango!
 3 October 2024, 13:31
Zbynek Honzik
Fantastic job! 👍
 3 October 2024, 21:06
Tianyi 作者
Thank you Zbynek!
 4 October 2024, 10:14

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