SAAB JA-37 Viggen
Photo 1 of 54
1 28 January 2012, 20:20

Very nice job! Whenever someone tackles that camo scheme, the sales of Tamiya tape go up! I built this when it was a brand new release from ESCI (late 70s, early 80s maybe?). I remember it having "bend but won't break" silver plastic. Hopefully Airfix used their own recipe for the plastic in this kit!
28 January 2012, 22:16

What a wonderful build! This has to be my all time favourite bird...
28 January 2012, 22:30

Bill you are right, ESCI plastic was silver buy Airfix making it from gray plastic, used for all of their models. Kit needs lots of changes, scratch builds to get a correct shape, it is model for creative modellers. Afterburner is very poor and I decided to use F-14A afterburner chamber [with a little bit changes] because it's similar to Viggen's engine. All parts in engine bay are made from aluminium blades based on real Viggen's engine bay elements.
29 January 2012, 09:33

Great job Marek, what a camou sheme, wow. Nice job, greetings Phil
29 January 2012, 10:16

Wow super paint job! was the Maestro Models; engine worth the money?
3 February 2012, 07:42

Tigers, in my opinion yes but you have to make some changes, MM engine is to short, I mean air duct is to short, you can see it on picture below what I mean.
before [img1] and after [img2]
4 February 2012, 19:53

Great job, and you are the living proof that painting this kind of camo is possible!
5 February 2012, 06:48

Hi Marek,
looks cool! It`s an absolutly rare seen model and every time an eyecatcher!
5 February 2012, 13:50

thanks marek, i see what you are saying thats a lot short 😠 but i guess its the only game in town and i really dont want to scratch one, i even think you might of pushed me along to have a go at that paint job!
6 February 2012, 19:50

The paint job is the real challenge at this model. Realy well done .
21 October 2012, 18:27

impressive paint job. That camouflage are not the easiest some one can do. Obviously you can match the colors with each others to make it realistic. Really fine.
22 October 2012, 19:56

I will be happy if i get half the results you have here when i build my second Viggen (don't ask about the first one....😛 )
8 July 2016, 18:28

That's one I want to make sometime in future... I hope it be a least half as good as this one turned out... then I'd be a happy man...
11 July 2016, 07:27
Album info
Well known kit ex ESCI boxed by Airfix, 1/48 scale. In my favourite camouflage. Resins used for build: NeOmega cockpit, Maestro Models; engine, landing gears and wheels, Two Mikes Resin: foreplanes, intakes and vertical stab and rudder. Many details are self made: afterburner, trust reverse, wheel bays. Paint: Tamiya, Model Master and Alclad II. Decals Two Bobs for Viggen.