Supermarine Spitfire Vb
Photo 1 of 31
30 September 2015, 20:17

I intend to build in the markings of Spitfire Vb, AR430. I picked up a piece of the engine from the original aircraft at the Duxford airshow resently and thought it might be something different to build a model of this aircraft. Any extra information regarding squadron codes,colours, propeller type( I think it should be a de- havilland) would be much appreciated.🙂
30 September 2015, 20:28

Marty, long time no hear. Nice historic background and a very nice start on this!
16 October 2015, 18:34

Thanks guys and thanks for the info Guido. I've been a bit quieter on the modelling front this year Christian, but the nights are getting darker and I feel my man cave beckoning 🙂 The only problem is I've just had an operation for something called Duprytron syndrome on my right hand,so I hope it doesn't hinder me too much. I've just had the dressing removed today and my hand doesn't look pretty 🙁
16 October 2015, 21:40

Thanks guys.Most of my fingers are still working,so might have a bash at a bit of modelling tomorrow. 🙂
17 October 2015, 20:44

Nice... Good idea for preshading with a brush....
22 November 2015, 15:47

Thanks guys. Hi Jan,the masks are from a company called Miracle Masks. You can buy them in different scales and if careful can use them a few times.
24 November 2015, 09:40

Excellent and sharp paint work I much like it. Well done Martyn!
Cheers, Christian
1 December 2015, 19:23

Thanks guys. Hi Guido. Yes decals went on well,thanks to the wonder of good old Micro set/sol.Im just in the process of applying washes/filters and panel line pin washes. Will post update pictures in due course.
2 December 2015, 18:29

What a beauty!!! Congrats Martyn 🙂 And this little piece of metal at its flank, is really a gem😉
12 December 2015, 15:21

Thanks Cristian. Yes the piece of engine casing is indeed a piece of history.
12 December 2015, 15:25

Thanks Guido. I agree,I little bit of history makes for a more interesting project. I enjoyed doing the research on the net, but could not be 100% accurate with the colours and markings. I believe it's as close as I can get.
12 December 2015, 18:34

Excellent spit Martyn 👍 The history behind it makes it all the more interesting.
13 December 2015, 20:46

Thanks Jan. I'm pleased with the overall result,although I'm still striving for a model that I'm 100% happy with. I don't think it will ever happen lol
14 December 2015, 18:05

I am, thank you very much. Taking the modeling slowly, so I don't get shaky and mess things up. LOL.
15 December 2015, 22:05