T-33A "Early" (WIP)
24 March 2018, 01:36

Cockpit looks good! I have the old Hawk kit in my stash to do one of these days...
9 April 2018, 11:47

Cockpit is nice but a little too simple. The color callouts, however, are completely wrong.
9 April 2018, 13:27

Count me in.
I have both versions from them and the kit looks great in the box.
17 April 2018, 04:52

Let's see how it comes out. I must confess I had high expectations but the fit is not great and the engravings are quite shallow on some parts of the kit. This is not evident in the photos.
4 May 2018, 21:05

Thanks. It is a bit exagerated for an operating plane, but it sure was fun to do! 🙂
29 May 2018, 23:02