Spitfire Mk IXc "City of Warsaw"
19 5 May 2018, 20:37

Welcome guys! So here's a question: can I use humbrol's red leather to paint the seat?
7 May 2018, 20:10

Have you checked if it was aluminium (so painted interior green) or plastic (red)?
8 May 2018, 05:49

Adam, I haven't found a picture of the specific aircraft interior so far. So I decided to use Humbrol's red leather which I will try to give it a shiny finish.
Some progress made. All the interrior details have been painted and some parts like the throttle have been put in place.
Also painted: wheels and landing gear.
Next: instrument panel and belts.
23 May 2018, 17:49

I uploaded a photo of the instrument panel. Some gloss on the dials and possible some colour here and there.
28 May 2018, 20:46

The cockpit is done, with only the gunsight missing. Probably the best cockpit I've ever built and it was fun. Kudos to Hasegawa for this one.
I dryfitted the whole thing, it seems to go well. Also I checked if the canopy can be placed in the open position, it seems so without it being stressed. So it will be open, but... the cockpit door will be closed. I am reluctant in cutting it away from the rest of the fuselage. This is one shortfall of the kit (not the most important one, which is the length of the fuselage - I don't bother).
15 June 2018, 20:18

So the Spit I am building has the "c" wing which housed two cannons and four machine guns, the latter residing at the outer portions of the wing. Does anybody know if the end of the barrel of each machine gun was visible? Check my last photo.
20 July 2018, 22:04

The 303 machine guns were recessed and would be covered with a red cloth square to protect the barrel from the elements. If you look at pictures of British WWII fighters that have returned home after a dog fight the bullets have ripped a hole in the cloth.
Hope this helps.
30 October 2018, 01:22

Welcome Treehugger! There are one 20mm cannon and two .303 machine guns depicted in the boxart. Gareth's link was very helpful.
30 October 2018, 19:15

I went now to check with my Eduard spit in 1:48 scale, but I realized that I have the IXe. That one only has two .50 cannons apparently.
30 October 2018, 19:33

Looking at the drawings for the Eduard IXc on their website, the outer 303 guns seems to be a little over the center line, I did not know that. Presumably, the new Eduard stuff is more accurate. No 303 gun barrel seems to be protruding out of the wing.
30 October 2018, 19:35

That looks promising right? Dryfitting the lower part of the cowling. Things are a bit bleak. I'll try to glue it in the proper place the best I can before putty comes in and the fine rivet detail disappears...
4 January 2019, 22:05

Thank you guys for the likes!
Thank you Mark! I really enjoyed building the cockpit. On the other hand, the wing root is so and so, propably my wrong doing. The underside of the cowling is another matter, I don't think I did something wrong there.
There is some progress from the last time I uploaded photos. I want to mask the clear parts before I show you anything.
22 October 2022, 09:56

Alberto and the rest of the gang, thank you for the likes and welcome!
22 October 2022, 11:51

Just found this! Any news? Since I'm also building a Spitfire mk.IX (with less details...) I'm very interested!
Great progress so far!
21 December 2022, 21:54

Thank you Pietro!
Moreno, I have glued the lower part of the cowling in place. Some puttying and sanding followed and some more needs to be done. I think I kind of messed up the wing root. For now it's been queued, I need to finish the Su-57 and the Mirage 2000 first.
22 December 2022, 05:39