Scalemates DHC Beaver Group build 2021
Photo 1 of 35
34 3 April 2021, 19:40

I started off with my Beaver build last weekend. First pic's attached.
6 April 2021, 20:38

I agree with Łukasz and Cuajete. And I will follow with pleasure and interest, of course 😉
27 October 2021, 19:06

Thank you gents for your appreciation - for riventing exercise it went quite ok. I did not play around with this much on other kits before, but with that kind of protuding "bolts" like on this kit I decided to go that way. Upper wing surface left - than I am ready for assembly.
28 October 2021, 10:03

Nice to see work resuming on the Beaver (and what a riveting work!!!) 👍
31 October 2021, 20:07

It took quite a while, but the bird is ready for the paint shop now.
4 December 2021, 10:37

The re-scribing / re-riveting you did really paid dividends! Two thumbs up! 👍 👍
4 December 2021, 15:59

Thank you Alex K & Cuajete!
@all - thx for hits on the like button. thx for your support and motivation.
6 December 2021, 11:23

That is a great improvement compared to the kit provided details and looks now like 1:48 👍
6 December 2021, 11:38

It's amazing to see a modeler building a wintage kit! Go Jürgen go!! I'm in.
7 December 2021, 20:40

That looks impressive after rescribing and re-riveting 👍
PS. Are you willing to get rid of the RCMP decals?
8 December 2021, 13:04

Your comments make me happy - thx Bernhard & Lukasz.
@Lukasz - I would be happy to send them to your attention and use, but unfortunattly the kit was second hand and opened already. Austrian markings were added (back in the days IPMS Austria did some up-dates on existing kits - they organized a print of decals for a limited number of kits) but no Canadian markings. Sorry.
9 December 2021, 10:26

No problem, just keep up that grand detailing work on this lovely plane.
9 December 2021, 10:35

Great looking interior, Juergen. This is a kit that needs to be re-released by Airfix.
27 December 2021, 13:18

Exactely one year after starting this built I can call it "DONE".
Being the one and only in this groupbuild relased a lot of pressure with respect of timing 😉
Nevertheless this little bird had given me quite some challenges. So the topcoat was done twice. The old decals showed cracks and the wheels broke loose 3 times - the last time this moring, when I was going to take the pictures. I dropped the transport box and it went down half of my stairway. I lost both of the tires, both of the elevators and the antennas. The rest was still ok, so lets call this a lucky mishap. And...I can report: literally this bird did its maiden flight one year after starting construction. 😉
I hope you enjoy the pictures. cheers
3 April 2022, 14:59

It would have been a real shame if it had been destroyed on the first flight! Nicely done 👍
3 April 2022, 20:08

Nice little Austrian Beaver👍. Never thought this is the old Airfix kit when seeing the finished model.
7 April 2022, 13:57

Danke Neuling & Daniel. I was quite desperate sometimes during the build with all the un-planned hick-ups, but for sure it paid off to go the extra mile with the remove of the protrudeing rivets and resrcibbing them. Thx for your endorsemnet and recognition.
8 April 2022, 10:29
Project info

Scalemates DHC Beaver Group build 2021
3. 四月 2021 直到 4. 四月 2022
3. 四月 2021 直到 4. 四月 2022