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KMK Scaleworld 2024

Информация за конкурса

Registration Fee:
€ 4.00 per entry
Early Bird Fee:
€ 3.00 per entry (Online registrations completed before 18 September 2024 at 23:59:59)
Регистрация »


xxMV Military vehicles

xxxMV2  Smaller than 1:35
xxxMV3  1:35 and larger (Standard)
xxxMV4  1:35 and larger (Master)
xxxMV5  Diorama (Standard)
xxxMV6  Diorama (Master)

xxAC Aircraft & Helicopters

xxxAC2  1:72 and smaller
xxxAC3  1:48 (Standard)
xxxAC4  1:48 (Master)
xxxAC5  Larger than 1:48
xxxAC6  Diorama

xxCV Civilian Vehicles

xxxCV1  Motorcycles
xxxCV2  Street cars
xxxCV3  Rally cars
xxxCV4  Race cars
xxxCV5  Formula One
xxxCV6  Lorries & heavy equipment
xxxCV7  Diorama

xxF Figures: historic and fantasy

xxxF1  Painting (Standard)
xxxF2  Painting (Master)
xxxF3  Open (Standard)
xxxF4  Open (Master)
xxxF5  Displays

xxNK Naked Kit

xxxNK  Naked Kit

xxNV Naval Vessels

xxxNV  Naval Vessels

xxSF Science Fiction Vehicles and HardwareFigures and creatures belong to class F: Figures

xxxSF  Vehicles & Hardware

xxWG Wargames/Tabletop

xxxWG1  Figures and Creatures
xxxWG2  Vehicles & Hardware

xxJU Juniorsunder 16 years

xxxJU  Juniors

Special Awards

Best Modern AFV

Sponsor: Blast Models

An award for the best modern AFV in scale 1:35.

Theme Award: D-Day

The theme award will be awarded to the best model within this year’s theme, in any category.

Most original model

Originality deserves to be encouraged. Since 2023, we give an award to the most original model in the competition, in any category. Technical quality will not be taken into account, but only originality. The award is one year free membership of KMK.

Best of Show

The very best entry of all categories, awarded to an amazing model taking into account quality, detail and originality.


Отворено за публика:
08:00-10:00, 11:30-15:15
Award Ceremony: