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Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

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Best "Winter Warrior" Contest
Für DEUTSCH bitte hier klicken: panzer-modell.de/spe..r-contest/winter.htm

NOTICE: This was translated from German into English using "GOOGLE translate" with some modifications. If there are some misunderstandings, always the conditions as per the German version apply!

For the long winter evenings until spring we feature some new competition devoted to the topic "Winter Warrior".

Welcome are 1:35 models of every nation in the time frame from 1900 to 2014!

It must be military vehicles or former civilian who were militarized.

The decision criterion is the presentation with camouflage and accessories which makes your vehicle for winter use. Should you be unsure whether your model fits to the criterias - please ask BEFORE!

The modeller is absolutely free to decide how to design the vehicle - it is only important that is clearly seen that there is a vehicle in winter conditions. Only the vehicle and everything ON / IN the vehicle counts. Diorama groundwork and figures in addition to the vehicle are not taken into account.

We have made for better comparability two categories:
- one for wheeled vehicles and
- one for full-track and half-track vehicles.

When the deadline is reached, an international jury review the entries. The winners will be announced, when all entries are reviewed.

Prices for the highest ranked entries are listed at the bottom of this page: panzer-modell.de/spe..r-contest/winter.htm . Thanks to our sponsors at this point! Of course there will once again be at least one ticket price, which is drawn among those who have not come to the winner ranks. So everybody has a chance to win something, the profit of course should not be the driving force to take part, but the fun and the experience.

For now, I wish happy modeling, lots of fun and success. If you have questions, contact thomas.hartwig@panzer-modell.de

Before submitting photos of your "Winter Warrior Model", please check, if they meet the below mentioned criteria!

Guidelines for the submission of photos for the contest:

- The scale of the model is 1:35
- The model is a military vehicle in winter outfit.
- The model must not be published before the end of the evaluation elsewhere (internet, print media, etc.)!
- Per modeller only one (1) model may be submitted per category.

- Photos - your photos must fulfill the following criteria:
-- some photos (more than 1) of the construction and painting process
-- about 6 total shots and 2 - 5 detail shots of the finished model
-- take photos of your model against a neutral background (Photo paper, etc.). Not allowed are backgrounds like grass, bedding, carpets, etc.!
-- Photos of the model only without any diorama or other base plate!
-- Try to take fotos best at daylight, because it gives best quality.
-- Avoid blurred or shaky photos by using a e.g. tripod for the camera.
-- Photos that are out of focus, blurred, sharp only in some areas, too dark, with intense color cast or small, have little chance of being one of the top courses! Not because the quality of images is poor, BUT because we can not judge the quality of the model!
-- For tips on model photography, I recommend the following article: panzer-modell.de/tip..rafie/fotografie.htm (Sorry, in German only!)

- Last, but not least, please provide a text file with some information about the kit, accessories and colors used, as well as your name, address and email address.

Deadline for the last submission is the April, 15th, 2014
The decision is final!

In this sense, HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK !

Submissions via email to wettbewerb@panzer-modell.de

(PLEASE pay attention to confirmation email from me - if there is no response within 3 days, the mail has not arrived!)

Submissions by CD to: Please inquire by email to: thomas.hartwig@panzer-modell.de!
Събитието има конкурс


1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
Начално време:
Start date: January, 1st, 2014
Deadline for submission: April, 15th, 2014


7 членове планират да посетят това събитие



james johnson winterfritz
Mike Kryza tigermike

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There are 1 photoalbums related to this event.

19 снимки
Best "Winter Warrior" ContestView album, image #8
for scale comparsion - not in the competition..
Проект: ZiS-30
1:35 ZiS-30 Self Propelled Antitank Gun (Maquette 35014)1:35 Ostfront Winter Combatants (Dragon 6652)


Frank Krause
Hi all,
still some times left to submitt your competition model! Give it a try!
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
9 April 2014, 14:04
Mike Kryza
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
4 March 2014, 10:42
james johnson
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
25 January 2014, 06:09
james johnson Автор
I've never done anything like this (group build).......I've got a KV-2 on the bench that I started on 1/23/14......I was going to paint it a simple 4BO green, but what the heck? I'll white wash the sucker!
 25 January 2014, 06:11
james johnson Автор
I hope only that I might remain virtuous and that my thermodynamic power shall not be inhibited.......

 25 January 2014, 06:38
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
20 January 2014, 15:36
Hunter Cummins
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
18 January 2014, 14:10
Fabian D.
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
18 January 2014, 12:23
Frank Krause
 18 January 2014, 12:33
Frank Krause
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
Fabian D.
Das Problem ist aber, dass ich schon zuviel angefangen und "verplant" habe, und davon natürlich auch einfach zu viele Bilder existieren 😄
Aber es gibt da noch was...
 17 January 2014, 20:17
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
Booahh das ist ja eine internationale Jury am Start, da muss ich was gscheites bauen! Mal sehn ob ich die Zeit habe, aber anmelden muss man sich ja nicht 😄
 17 January 2014, 21:47
Holger Kranich
will attend
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
16 January 2014, 12:54
Frank Krause
Hey girls and guys,
here is a nice event with nice prices to win for all modellers of 1:35 scale military tracked and wheeled vehicles (half-tracks also allowed). Check it out and have fun!
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest in Worldwide
Best "Winter Warrior" Contest

1. Януари До 15. Април 2014
16 January 2014, 12:05