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Noreastcon 43 Regional Contest

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Noreastcon 43 Regional Contest
Farmingdale US
Клуб организатор:
Long Island Scale Model Society
(From the website):

The Long Island Scale Model Society is proud to announce that we are hosting the IPMS Noreastcon 43, Friday May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd 2014, model Competition and show. We are posting all the information ten months in advance so modelers will have plenty of time to plan their building schedule and vendors put us on their calendar. If you missed the Noreastcon Regional shows we held in 2010 and 2012, you should not miss this one. We never know from year to year where the next regional will be. If you attended either of our past Noreastcons, you know what to expect with the same welcome enjoyment of our show and The American Airpower Museum, Our one day RepLIcon spring show has been postponed to host this regional.

Noreastcon 43 will be held at the historic Republic hanger in Farmingdale, NY where final assembly of the P-47 aircraft took place in World War II. It now houses restored WWII flying aircraft operated by the American Airpower Museum where history comes to life. The aircraft and military veicles will be put on display outside while we utilize the hanger inside for contest and vendors. Visit the Airpower Museum website at www.americanairpowermuseum.com to see what they are all about. Visit our website to see past pictures of our shows there www.lisms-ipms.org

For our out-of-town guests, the Hilton Long Island/Huntington is at 598 Broadhollow Rd (RTE 110), Melville, NY 11747 /// (631) 845-1000. I don’t know why they call this Huntington when the hotel is in Melville! It’s just a few minutes from the Air Power Museum. The Marriott was not willing to offer a discount but the Hilton was at the rate of $149.00 per night for a King or Double Beds using the code ‘LIS’. They have blocked 20 rooms for us and if we need more, they will continue the rate if the rooms are available. Reservations must be received by April 2, 2014 to receive the discounted rate, BUT the Hilton does have another large party planned that weekend as well. Rooms for both parties
are on a first come basis. I suggest you BOOK your room NOW! You can always cancel without penalty if you decide not to attend.

Take your family on a mini vacation! Long Island features many attractions for the entire family. The Cradle of Aviation Museum with an Imax Theater as well as the Long Island Children’s Museum are located a short drive away at Mitchell Field. Roosevelt Field and Huntington Mall are just two of the many shopping centers in the area. Take the young children to visit Adventureland Amusement Park, just three minutes away from our show site.

Start making your plans now – you will not want to miss out on NOREASTCON 43. This will be a unique event, one that you will remember for years to come! There are many shows throughout the year, but none will match this excitement and atmosphere. Come and see hundreds of models, shop the large group of vendors, and share the enjoyment with fellow modelers who share your passion for the hobby, all in a setting you won’t forget!

Join Us!,
Robert DeMaio
LISMS President
Събитието има конкурс
Входна такса:
Contest Entrants—unlimited model entries:
Adult —— $25.00 (IPMS member $20.00)
Junior —– $20.00 (13 to 17 years of age)
$15.00 (IPMS Junior member)
Bantam — $8.00 (under 12 years of age)

Adult — $15.00
12 to 17 yrs of age — $10.00
Seniors & Vets — $10.00
Current Military — Free


2. и 3. Май 2014
Начално време:
Friday May 2nd: 1pm - 6pm
Saturday May 3rd: 9am - 4pm


1230 New Highway
11735 Farmingdale


2 членове планират да посетят това събитие



Bill Gilman Navy Bird
Mike Goldberg MikeyBugs95

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Mike Goldberg
will attend
Noreastcon 43 Regional Contest
US Farmingdale
2. и 3. Май 2014
1 April 2014, 01:27
Bill Gilman
will attend
Noreastcon 43 Regional Contest
US Farmingdale
2. и 3. Май 2014
26 March 2014, 00:14