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Тема започната от Mr Peach

Matteo Pescarin
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90 25 August 2022, 07:18
Robert Podkoński
 25 August 2022, 07:35
totally awesome. very realistic. love the details and the scratching of the van. wow.
 25 August 2022, 07:36
Wonderfull work! I can see the smell of the fresh bred ....
 25 August 2022, 08:46
Mike Szwarc
Great job!! 👍 👍 👍
 25 August 2022, 11:29
Dash Rendar
Very nice! Well done. And that bread, so yummy.
 26 August 2022, 15:20
Matteo Pescarin Автор
thanks all for the comments! they mean a lot to me 🙂
 3 September 2022, 21:26
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 3 September 2022, 23:15
Well done
 4 September 2022, 02:44
I had to swing by, because of your comment on a recent build. Very well done Matteo! Love the way you finished this off, as a little diorama, with the bread included! Awesome!!!
 30 October 2023, 14:07
Excellent! I thought the bread was real.
 30 October 2023, 16:22
Matteo Pescarin Автор
@Bozzer and @gorby: thanks a lot! Managed to fool some people with that 😄
 31 October 2023, 09:42
István Szücs
Great work so far! Those breads and baguettes look like the real ones!
 31 October 2023, 10:08
How much for a baguette and a sliced bread? 🙂
 31 October 2023, 10:58
Matteo Pescarin Автор
ahah! I only sell by the dozen! 😄
 31 October 2023, 12:21
Excellent work. The bread looks very tasty. 😉
 3 November 2023, 17:33
Matteo Pescarin Автор
mostly humbled @MS K. Food for the eyes 😉
 6 November 2023, 11:49
really as I recall very nice.
 6 November 2023, 12:22
Brent Caughy
Fantastic. Looks like you could get in and drive away.
 9 November 2023, 18:33
B. Pang
Really beautifully done. One question about the paint, which color did you choose for the van? It looks so realistic!
 14 February, 15:28
Ben M
Somehow I missed this before. Very well done!
 14 February, 15:54
Jan Janssen
c'est fantastique!
 14 February, 19:43
Matteo Pescarin Автор
Thanks all!

@B. Pang: I can't remember exactly. It was either MrColor H-85 or Tamiya XF-78. I wanted exactly that boring colour a lot of utility vehicles had, that wasn't just plain grey.
 17 February, 12:47
Dominik Weitzer
stunning little diorama. the dits and dents are well thought and not too much. well done!
Not talking about the bread(s) inside...thats so real. perfect!
1  17 February, 13:21
Maciej Bellos
Wow, I want one of those baguettes!
1  17 February, 13:37
Patrick Hagelstein
Beautifully done! Très bien!
1  17 February, 13:51
Christian W
Nothing else to add. Fantastic work.
 18 February, 05:18
Yngve N
Wow 😍
 21 February, 07:29
Beautiful. This is just gorgeously realistic work, so much so, I'm now hungry!
1  21 February, 09:40

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