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41 10 September 2024, 08:25

That is very nice. It's good to see an unusual subject like this. I think I had a Matchbox car very similar to that.
10 September 2024, 13:04

@George, thanks! Concept car from the late 60s. Always been one of my favorite concepts.
@David, I know Hot Wheels did a version in 1970 and Matchbox did one in 1971. Pretty sure I had the Matchbox version as well at some point.
10 September 2024, 14:11

So cool to see this one build! Great! I love those old prototypes and how they saw the sports car for the future.
11 September 2024, 05:00

@Alexander, I have been buying the SMP24 kits for about 4 years now. It was not easy to find or purchase them in the beginning but I have been a pretty consistant purchaser since. I am not sure how many actually get out of Japan or Asia for that matter. Definately not easy or inexspensive to obtain.
@Christian, thanks! I am also a big fan of this era of prototypes, most concepts from the 70s though the 90s I felt really captured what it meant to create really wild and intersting concepts.
13 September 2024, 08:34

@ Marcel, thank you very much!
@Mr. D It was designed by Marcello Gandini while he was with Bertone in 1968.
14 September 2024, 00:15

What can you tell us about the quality of the kit? Sharpness of casting, amount of details, difficulties during building....
14 September 2024, 09:57

Thanks Spence😃👍
Thought it had a Gandini look, .. like the stratos ect .
Really nice , ike the window tint.
14 September 2024, 12:09

@shadowlight You can watch the full build of the kit on my YouTube channel and see what it consists of. I don't do a lot of resin so I don't have much to compare it to but I find the resin to be a little soft so things like scribing are difficult for me when I am so used to doing it with plastic. The interior is beyond detailed with so many tiny photoetch pieces it is amazing, as it is with many of their kits. The engines in the SMP kits I find are always bitter sweet. They have fantastic detail for the parts that are included but I also feel they are a little simplified and ccould use a few more extra bits to them just to detail them up a little more. All SMP kits come with great photo etch parts and a level of details that is beyond my expectations. Just understand this is a garage kit and more in line with something you may 3d print rather than building a Tamiya or other styrene kit. A lot of the parts can benefit from pins to hold better and you have to decide if you want to go through all that yourself. I love the two SMP kits I have built so far and I have several more of them that I am eager to get into as well. I really enjoy building them.
14 September 2024, 12:09

Thanks, will check out the YouTube build, l really like Gandini design's... The Miura is my favourite, but the kits I've seen don't look that great.
Thanks for info..... Appreciate it 😃👍👍
14 September 2024, 15:22

@MrD You wouldn't believe it, but I saw a Lancia Stratos yesterday while driving just outside Pukekohe, New Zealand. I don't know whether it was the real thing or a replica, but it looked fantastic anyway. Not exactly what you expect to see while driving around rural New Zealand.
16 September 2024, 01:32

2 more questions: - which colours did you used? It wasnt mentioned in the video...
- how you have ordered and communicated? Using google translate on their website and using the Mail-form included in their site only japanese letters seemed to be allowed...
An congratulations that you got one of these - there already sold out 😭((
16 September 2024, 10:32

David Orr,
Yes there is a Lancia specialist in NZ, he is one of the world's leading restoration guys and builds Replica ones too with Alfa Buso V6 engine's....so I'm not surprised.
I think the stratos looks like a Miura....shrunk in the wash.... Another Gandini great.
16 September 2024, 12:24

@MrD We have quite a few superb car restorers and replica builders down here. I hadn't heard of the Lancia guy, but there are some who do amazing Jaguar C-Type and D-Type replicas, and even a perfect XJ13. And some awesome Ferrari replicas.
16 September 2024, 23:14

@shadowlight For the color I use a black primer, then a silver base and then clear green with a clear coat on top of all that. For the kits I go through a friend of a friend who knows a guy.... it isn't easy at all. The kits always sell out in days and I am sure there is not many produced so I generally watch the blog quite regular to see what happens when.
@Dominik, thanks! It is appreciated.
17 September 2024, 01:32

@ David Orr
Carteroni based in NZ,
Yes some great engineers out of NZ past n present...must be all the fresh air n lamb chops 🤣.
I would like to build a Miura some day, but the Italari kit looks bit bleak!
This Alfa is really good with the extra work and engine details 👍👍
17 September 2024, 15:22