Тема започната от Dominik

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19 27 October 2024, 09:56

Nice work, perfect shine. I love the chroemd transparency roof panels. Outstanding detail what I'll catch up on my builds maybe in the future.
29 October 2024, 09:37

Looks very good 👍 I'm wondering, how did you make the blue field on top of the windshield? Paint? Decals?
1 November 2024, 09:49

Thank you.
The upper tinted part is painted with Schmincke aero colors,.
Cinnabar green #28 520.
I would like to attach a picture in my answer, but I think, it didn't work with the mobile. 🤷
6 November 2024, 13:10

Thanks! I found something available in Norway, but not your colour tho. Need to learn how to do this.
6 November 2024, 14:10

Those i use is a kind of pigments like clear blue from tamiya. i found some different paints from Schmincke and only use three for the sunstripe. On this cinnabar green is written "pigmented waterproof fine spray color" . the linked are written with "total cover" - I don't know. But when never try, we never know.
Just searched for it.
The black labeled are total cover.
There are white labeled also and they look right to me - for example 28 406 is turquoise or 28 500 is phthalon-green with written "transparent" on the label.
6 November 2024, 19:42

Thanks again Dominik. It doesn't seem to be available here, but I will keep looking 👍
6 November 2024, 21:58