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28 15 November 2024, 14:13

Last weekend I started to work on this Honda Today kit. What I thought would be an easy and quick build promies to keep me busy a while longer. It lacks a lot of details in the interior. I hope I can scratchbuild and recreate some of it well enough.
The chrome parts of the police light were damaged when I removed them from the sprue. Seems I have to strip all the chrome from all parts now and apply Vallejo acrylic metals Chrome paint.
I think this is my second car model, will surely be an interesting undertaking.
15 November 2024, 14:25

I drilled holes into the intake on the hood and then cut the rest free. Sadly, I damaged the part a bit more than I intended.
The body was painted in Tamiya Flat White and then carefully sanded niceyl smooth with a 3000 grit sanding sponge. I will apply a few more coats of white and sand it again before I will mask the areas to apply Tamiya Flat Black.
There is a decal for the shape on the hood but I want to airbrush it all. I tried also to scratchbuild a small console and phone/radio between both seats, which is visible in one of the illustrations. It is rather crude, though...
When I removed some of the chrome plated parts they to damaged so I decided to repaint them. I coated them in PU primer, coated them in gloss black and then applied Vallejo Acrylic Metals Chrome on all of them.
18 November 2024, 08:15

Spent some time masking the car to prepare it for the black paint. Keeping the white spotless clean is quite the hard challenge and I failed. But so far it's still okay.
24 November 2024, 17:39

Welcome aboard Christian!
My masking job was not very well done and I have to fix some areas before I can start with the clear coat.
29 November 2024, 08:42

Who don't know this problem. There is always a spot, where the color found a way somehow 😄
2 December 2024, 10:44

Started with the decals. They are old and brittle and slightly yellow.... but I managed to get it to work somehow.
But somehow here and there settled some kind of dirt on the model and it's not a spotless clean car, which annoys me a lot.
Well... it's a police car, some wear and tear and dirt is unavoidable, I guess.
1 30 December 2024, 10:20

Thanks Mark! Despite all the trouble I have with it, most often caused by myself, it is fun to build. 😄
I also want to try myself building a diorama for it, no clue if this will work out, still searching references.
1 31 December 2024, 08:12

This little Built-In-Computer is kinda sweet 😄 Just mykes me smile. Your today is on a good way!
2 14 January, 05:46

A little update: I spent last weekend with sanding down the decals and then sprayed new layers of clear coat on top.
Hopefully now the raised edges of the decals re not visible anymore.
Currently I have no images of the new clear coats. I do hope it turned out alright or else I will have to spend some more time sanding.
A week or so prior I did the mistake and applied clear coat on the clear part for the windshield, etc. I hoped to achieve a nice and glossy smooth finish but that did not turn out that way at all.
After that mishap I started to sand the clear part and then began to polish it. Probably needs some more polishing.
3 February, 07:28

Progress on this little police car.
This is a project full of ups and downs. Having a bit of trouble to get the front wheels properly attached.
The antennas need a little bit of fixing and a bit of paint. The windshield wipers need to be attached as well but it's almost done.
What I forgot: When I washed of the polishing compoung after some attempts at polishing one of the headlights got loose and was washed down the sink...
I managed to order a different Fujimi Today kit to replace it... yikes.
1 10 February, 12:08

Soon after the replacement parts arrived I began to fix some issues. The headlights are now attached and I replaced the clear windshield/windows part with that of the other Today kit. Looks much better now.
I could also replace the broken windshield wiper and the wiper of the rear window. The Today itself is now finished but there are still the figures, the Motocompo and a potential diorama to work on.
1 16 February, 23:40

Wow! Great build of a car from the golden era of anime! All that's missing are the characters! 😀
21 February, 16:22

Thanks! Yeah, I really love that show. I might get around painting them soon.
24 February, 14:45