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121 12 October 2021, 23:10

Great detail work, respect for the processing!
A really impressive work for 72'.
The whole dio is very nice to my taste🙂👍
23 October 2021, 20:39

That is one seriously cool project 👍 So many beautiful little details 🙂
23 October 2021, 21:32

Wow! Thanks for point me at this build. Very much interested in the Canadian stuff. I only experienced the Leopard C1, but my Iltis nearly got run over by a German Leo 2 back in the '90s. Your building the what-if I never had 👍
8 November 2021, 04:11

Those Barracuda mats look awesome! I've been trying to find a solution for those for a Swedish Leopard, but I might try your approach as it looks really realistic. 👍
8 November 2021, 07:43

Count me in Michael. Looks very convincing. And a great composition on the base 👍
8 November 2021, 07:58

Thanks folks for your interest and sorry for the (very 🙈) late reply. It is cool to have you folks around whose builds I like to follow. 🙂
@Rui: I read the canadians learned some bitter lessons with the Iltis in Afghanistan and discarded them rather quickly.
I hope with the figures done, this project will see some more progress.
12 August 2022, 14:35

Fantastic job! Thanks for showing your assembly methods. I'm just starting to do some armor kits and this is a wonderful tutorial. Amazing work in the small figures as well. What kind of brushes do you use?
22 August 2022, 04:20

Hello Michael,
some cool stuff going on here, looks very well, indeed!
2 September 2022, 10:20

Hi mates. Sorry for the late reply. This build slid down - another time - the priority list a bit. But with two projects progressing nicely I should be able to commence it again soon.
Thanks for your warm words.
22 December 2022, 11:07

Thanks Finn for the heads up. Plan is to finish it for Moson in April.
28 December 2023, 00:46

Took this one out of the shelf for another time, sorted all the bits and pieces and restarted it again. Some detail painting commenced and loose tracks repaired. Damage by time and handling assessed and repaired. I gotta finish it this time.
2 January 2024, 10:44

Good thing you dusted this one off as it is an interesting build. I am particularly interested in the way you tackle that Barracuda camo. Very inventive! 👍🏼
2 January 2024, 11:50

Very interesting, the mats look like the zimmerit of the XXI century 😉
3 January 2024, 15:55

Thanks Patrick and Lukasz.
I cannot take credit for the Barracuda-technique as I found a good tutorial for a camouflage net on the net. I just adapted the technique to scale 1:72 and played around with some materials. I still haven't made up my mind as which version it finally will be. The alu/alu version looks a bit too coarse but more 3 dimensional while the alu/paper version looks a bit too flat and dull. I will color and wash both for a test and then decide.
4 January 2024, 07:27

Had a good go yesterday and some progress was achieved. Cross fingers that the momentum lasts. 🙂
7 January 2024, 14:47

Welcome to the show. 🙂
Steps by step I inch this eternal project forward.
26 January 2024, 10:09

Was breaking my head about the sequence of the chores left to do. When and how to add the slat armour. It will be very challenging to align all the pieces - no matter whether I start up front or from the rear. And when mounted the whole piece will be very, very, VERY fragile.
30 January 2024, 10:34

@Michael ... the typical modellers life. Sometimes it sucks *lol*
I love the details you're working into the kit and the diorama. That is so good to watch.
31 January 2024, 05:49

Thanks folks for the cheer ups.
Yesterday I made a bigger step and put most of the Barracuda mats on the turret.
2 February 2024, 07:24

That umbrella makes me expect some towels, cocktails and sunscreen underneath 😄
2 February 2024, 09:41

Brave and really well done taking on the Barracudas! Impressive to say the least
2 February 2024, 09:52

😀 Haven't seen any such item on the pics available to me, but hey, nice idea. I should still have a folding chair somewhere. Maybe I add it. When I first saw the umbrella I knew I had to fashion one, as this is quite a special feature of this tank.
@Finn: Thanks mate. Was quite a piece of research, try and error and error and error to develop the technique. But now I am quite happy with it.
3 February 2024, 20:42

More details are constructed. MG mount and all antennas are ready for color. Turret slat armour is finally placed after a lot of try and error and dry fitting. Not yet glued as I want to recheck all alignments after a break.
6 February 2024, 15:29

Thanks Jennifer. I could check off two more details off the to do list (decals and glass on the headlights).
Started to design, construct and build the supports for the slat atmour of the hull. Getting them all even poses quite a challenge for me. Some worked, other I will have to redo.
11 February 2024, 13:45

Bogged down in details. Finished more and more of the stuff the canadian Leos were crammed with. MiniWorld provided the beautiful FN240 and the gun support received some more details.
Actually, when delivered to the Canadians, the 2A6-Leos had german MG3 mounted. For whatever reason, the Canadians liked their FN240 better and - as the cupola ring of the 2A6 and the MEXAS are identical they swapped them guns.
12 February 2024, 19:01

Some progress was achieved in a nice modelling session with a friend. The rear struts for the slat armour are mounted and so are the first ones at the sides. Hope to get this done this week. But before I can actually mount the armour, the Barracuda mats have to be placed.
19 February 2024, 20:21

Thanks Shar. So far I am happy how this develops and I hope the wave that carries me right now will continue to do so till the finish line.
Robert, don't say something like that. You make me blush. 😳😊
No wizardry involved. Fiddly yes, but nothing impossible. I am only willing to spend the extra effort on some of my builds.
21 February 2024, 22:41

Turret received almost all the final details and was weathered with some pigments. Antennas and umbrella found their place too but can be disassembled if necessary.
28 February 2024, 18:04

Second row of supports for the hull's slat armour is finally done. Thus all the slat armour is complete.
6 March 2024, 08:28

WOW... mehr kann man da nicht sagen. In dem Maßstab noch die Barracuda-Matten selber herstellen.... Top
7 March 2024, 07:46

That would be an exceptionally good result for 1/35. For 1/72 it's stunning!
7 March 2024, 10:44

Whoah!!! Picture 150 had me thinking it was a reference picture of the real deal! 👌🏼
9 March 2024, 10:37

Hi Patrick. Yeah, I think it is the chocolate side of this build and I really like that shot too. Nice thought that it fooled you for a moment.
Happy sunday.
10 March 2024, 10:51

Hi Dominik,
quite a bit of heart and soul went into this build. To see that it elicits comments like yours is very rewarding. Thanks for that.
12 March 2024, 00:06

Trying to represent a bit of the atmosphere of such a forward base. Built a crude wooden box and bench. Tried Uschi van der Rosten's wood decals. They worked quite well. Not happy yet with the color of the sleeping pat. Will probably change that. Brush painting next.
13 March 2024, 20:36

The base itself needed some attention too. Fixing blemishes from time and handling, correcting overspray and overbrush, tweaking the groundwork and improving the color of it.
Now all that seems to be left are some pigments and the final fixation of all the gear. Today even? Maybe work permits it.
17 March 2024, 06:24

Calling it ready. Finally. After ten years.
Happy with the tank.
Happy with the left side of the base.
On the right side I didn't quite achieve the feel I was striving for, but I'm good.
Thanks girls and guys that you've been sticking around, for your encouragement and nice feedback. Much appreciated.
20 March 2024, 16:02

All that detailed work…
…in 1/72 scale. Only one word comes to mind : masterpiece!
20 March 2024, 16:57

Congratulations Michael! Very well done and a perfect closure for ten years of visioning what you built here.
20 March 2024, 17:52

Thanks a lot for the high praise. Very flattering and highly appreciated.
23 March 2024, 09:09

God damn! Outstanding work on the Leo!!
The camo net looks so cool 😎
Of course, the base is also an excellent piece of work!
1/72 Scale Rocks 🤘
3 April 2024, 18:29

Thanks Simon for your high praise. Much cherished.
Although considered finished I still tweaked around it a bit.
9 April 2024, 09:36

Exquisite finish, that's gonna be a gem of every modellers' meetup. Great to see the dog and the beach gear 😄
9 April 2024, 12:16

Thanks Łukasz. I received some nice feedback at our last club meeting already - together with some suggestions for further improvement (some advice I heeded too already and tweaked the project here and there).
The dog wanted to be on the vignette so badly. So who am I to decline that wish?! 🙂
14 April 2024, 17:25

Wow Michael, this turned out to be much more special than the initial display some months ago. I like that backpack inside wodden cabinet, the red box, the figure painting, the metallic planks and the mesh on the Leopard.
14 April 2024, 17:38

Michaels dioramas was shown in the video about Telford here on SM recently 🙂
15 November 2024, 17:23

Thank you guys for the flattering remarks and hints. Truely cherished.
17 November 2024, 15:13